ANEM Gateway Essences
A New Earth Movement’s Gateway Essences are created as a means to gain access and synchronize with the natural transformative terrestrial cycles, as well as the celestial frequencies, and are alchemized to enhance the cycles of connection and transformation within oneself, so that one can align with and embody their own highest potential.
Each Gateway Essence is made at the height of a particular point on the earth cycles or at auspiciously aligned times, where we encapsulate the frequency and signature of a sacred moment to enhance the intent that we desire to express through the essence; for as above, so below. A specific plant or mineral is chosen from nature, representing a vibrational match or ally to reinforce a transformative teaching, healing and activation. Each nature object is consecrated with a specific intent and prayerfully placed in sacred and pure water where it is infused with continued specific intentional prayers. We then place the essences in the Sun and under the night sky with continued prayer, until they are ready to be mixed and preserved with the final ingredient, brandy. This alchemical process of natural magic is intended to awaken your innate wisdom, purify and restore your original essence and fortify your true self.
These high frequency liquid nectar essences are carrying a divine imprint and permeate deep in our cellular structure, thereby imprinting a holy signature and opening sacred portals for unlocking blockages, overall healing, energetic upgrades and divine connection.
Growth & Fortification
Ingredients: Essence of Bay Laurel buds in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. As the first shoots of spring push through the ground, this symbolizes the beginning of increasing light and growth. At this time, we pray to the collective spirit of life in order to help the growing process flourish in a positive direction. This essence is made with tiny buds of spring that carry life’s purest potential after the dark of winter. The intent is to invoke the power of increasing light, and to fortify the growing process. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Birth of Light, Pineal Awakening
Ingredients: Essence of Redwood cone in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Winter Solstice marks the darkest time of the Earth’s cycle. It is from this darkness that the Light is born. With all of our attention, we go into this void and invoke the birth of the light. This essence is infused with pine cones, as they symbolize the pineal gland or the seed of our inner light. This essence is intended to spark the birth of light within. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
Connection to Ancestors & Spiritual Realms
Ingredients: Essence of Granite in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During this earth cycle the veil is the thinnest, where there is a more direct access to our ancestors and the spiritual realms. We gathered rocks around the perimeter of our Ancestor’s ceremony for this specific essence, as rocks represent the ancient grandmothers and grandfathers, our ancestors. The intent infused in this essence is to invoke the knowing that there is no such thing as death, only eternal life. The Eternal Life Essence is intended to enhance a more direct communication with our Ancestors and the Spiritual realms. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
Clear Intent & Manifestation
Ingredients: Essence of Oak Tree acorns in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Autumn Equinox marks the first key point of the Earth’s year cycle, a time of a new beginning. This is the time where we aim for clarity on what we want to nourish and what we want to let go of. This essence is made with the sacred Acorn, symbolizing the seed of intent for the upcoming New Year and the nourishment necessary to bring this intent into manifestation. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
“I Am that I Am,” Connection to the Light
Ingredients: Essence of Citrine in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. This sacred essence is made at a time at the height of the Sun. At this time nature is reflecting what is already true, that we are not separate from Our Father Creator and that we are the I Am presence. Lightning infused citrine is used, that was found in the mountains of Arizona during the Summer Solstice time, and symbolizes the highest frequency of connection to this light. This essence is intended to bring you home to your oneness of communion with our Father Creator. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Restoration of Inherent Beauty
Ingredients: Essence of Mexican Sagebrush flowering herb in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. This ancient Beauty essence was made with Mexican Sage leaf and flower after a message came through the plant in-dicating its ancient beauty secrets that it carries. On a sacred fall weekend, women gathered to pray and invoke innate ancient wisdom and the return of the sacred feminine connection. Together with this essence, we prayed around the fire and full moon to invoke and restore the depths of the the ancient secrets to our beauty inside and out. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Expanding Consciousness & Ascension
Ingredients: Essence of St. John’s Wort flowering herb in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Summer Solstice marks the peak of the light and the full manifestation of all that we’ve worked for this past Earth cycle. This is the time of the closest connection to the Sun’s light, the gate of ascension into the Spirit. St. John’s Wort is used to consecrate the baptism of our communion with the Sun, the Great Spirit. This essence carries the energy of fire and connection to Creator, because this day we are the closest to the Sun. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Divine Mother Essence Peace, Receptivity, Unconditional Love
Ingredients: Essence of Red Rose flower in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During our devotional service to the Divine Holy Mother we create an essence in Her honor. We sing and pray with red rose petals in pure water to infuse the essence with intent, and to amplify Her sacred properties. This essence is intended to bring you home to the embodiment of Her frequency, and receive Her gifts of purity, peace, receptivity and the sweetness of unconditional love.Father Creator Essence “I Am that I Am,” Connection to the Light
Ingredients: Essence of Citrine in a base of purified water, brandy and vegetable glycerin to preserve freshness. This sacred essence is made at a time at the height of the Sun. At this time nature is reflecting what is already true, that we are not separate from Our Father Creator and that we are the I Am presence. Lightning infused citrine is used, that was found in the mountains of Arizona during the Summer Solstice time, and symbolizes the highest frequency of connection to this light. This essence is intended to bring you home to your oneness of communion with our Father Creator. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottle sets. -
Sunflower Essence
Full Divine Expression
Ingredients: Essence of Sunflower in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. This is the final key point of the year’s cycle where we celebrate and express our gratitude for the successful completion of our journey. Here we bear the fruits and reap the rewards of all of our efforts from this past year. We infused this specific essence with the beautiful Sunflower. A Sunflower stands upright and open connecting directly to the Sun. Its seeds are full of nourishment, reminding us how when we are in this state of communion with Spirit and gratitude, we overflow with gifts of nourishment to others. This essence supports the balance of humility and selfless service along with our fullest Divine expression. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Fertility & Abundance
Ingredients: Essence of Sambucus flower in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Fertility is the essence of this moment. During this cycle we bear witness to life flowering all around us that emanates bountiful beauty and abundance. At this time, everything is getting ready to be born into fullest manifestation. This essence is made with Sacred Sambucus flowers that captures a snapshot of the capacity of life’s fertility. This essence is infused with the intent to feel more alive and experience the essence of life’s fertility. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
Restoration of Inherent Beauty
Ingredients: Made with organic flowers and herbs from our sacred medicinal garden, as well as fresh wildcrafted herbs, organic hyrdosols, essential oils, flower & gem essences, and alchemical metals extracts in a base of organic alcohol & aloe. Beauty Mist is a high-end alchemical perfume. The aroma and the frequency of it works to bring you into a state of your truest beauty. It restores, accents, and awakens the innate ancient beauty within. Available in 1 oz, 2 oz, and 4 oz glass bottles. * This has been one of our most popular alchemical creations over the years, and the highest-end alchemical perfume that we offer.