In tonight’s message from the Divine Mother, She brings attention to the escalation of the division of the world and the importance for us to tap into the medicine of the heart. We were brought on a journey to go underneath the despair from the illusion of our separation and to bring love to resuscitate the truth of who we are.
Rachel opens this evening by getting us into a state of receptivity and takes some time to discuss the channel and all that it entails. Nina interviews Rachel with the questions the community members submit ahead of time. This will be a new ongoing offering to our community, and we encourage those who are interested to join this opening channel to learn about the origin of these transmissions and to receive the current messages for this time. 1-hour long
We are entering the spring equinox at this auspicious time where the light and the dark are equal. Our focus for this class is on what it is we desire to birth rather than to reinforce the things that are dying. At this time, we have to be vigilant and take good care and attention in our life on all levels, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate. We were invited to really affirm our faith in the light. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
The theme of this class is how to take higher ground as we are transitioning from this lower frequency into this new dimension. Nina opened this class with the importance of how to expand rather than contract during these times, and how to unplug from the distractions that confuse us. This class is a call to action to the many things we can do to assist ourselves to align in a healthful way during these times. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long.