The only place I’ve gone outside of my home in the last week is out in nature, and even there I hear and see evidence of the virus with people talking with each other about how to be safe or what’s coming up for them.
What an interesting moment we are in collectively! Wow, truly something we have never experienced before. And where I hear the media and the news all bringing stories of fear, I feel something even greater than this virus is being presented to us, a real opportunity to shift gears inside of ourselves.
While I know this is challenging on a lot of levels for many people, I can’t deny that inside myself I feel relieved, almost like a rejoice, that I finally get to pause and really do the things I’ve been craving to do, study my herbs, deep clean my space, cook, cuddle with myself… just breathe.
With everything slowing down and not having to meet outside deadlines, I am sinking into a new flow in my being, learning about what feeds this human on many levels. In some kind of way, it’s as if the loudness of all of the chaos in the world has highlighted for me the volume or sound of my spirit, of my prayer, and what it is that I truly want. I may fumble in moments, but I see and receive this gift to really reset with what it is that matters most to me in my heart.
I’m inspired to pray over my food, pray over my water, my bath, my emotions and my mind, to cultivate what it is that’s true, true beyond any form that I’ve known before, and align with the transformation, align with my gifts, with my inner rhythm and authentic sense of joy and peace.
I’m finding joy in sharing meals and connecting more deeply with friends and loved ones over the phone, grateful for everyone’s safety and for the time available to get to know one another better now that none of us are rushing around in the same ways. I’m finding a new foundation in gratitude for the goodness in my life; a kitchen filled with nourishing and healing foods, feeling protected in my life, experiencing beauty, good relations, peace, sunlight, health, even abundance of toilet paper… funny but true! I’m reevaluating my resources and finding more mindfulness and gratitude for all that I have while it’s here.
Regardless of what any one of us is experiencing, I hope that as a collective we can turn our attention onto the goodness in our lives and find the space to do the things we have always wanted to do, to rejoice and laugh and know peace and know that we are safe to be, especially now.
I am grateful for my health, for my breath, for my love, for our beautiful Mother Earth, the shining Sun and the Light.