Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 09 2023
- Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Advanced Mentorship Program
On September 6th, 2023, we are delighted to begin our Advanced Mentorship 2 Program as a continuation of the ANEM Mentorship Program. This advanced study is offered exclusively to the graduates of our Mentorship One Program.
We continue to see the world is in need of great mentors such as yourself to offer the proper support and guidance that helps align oneself with a more balanced perspective and healthy patterns.
While you have made great strides in Mentorship One program, the ANEM Advanced Mentorship 2 Program is designed to take you into a deeper study where emphasis will be placed on expanding one’s personal journey of healing, growth and understanding, a prerequisite for becoming a successful mentor.
You will be guided to work on your deepest personal core issue; the one that keeps cycling back. You will learn how to understand the process of how to free it and simultaneously gain a keener insight into how to successfully help others unlock their core wounding.
This program is intended for those who are committed to continuing the journey of making Mentorship an active part of their life, as well as for those who desire to advance in their ability to See and guide others with greater impact.
During ANEM’s Advanced Mentorship 2 Program:
🌟 You will receive advanced teachings and practices
🌟 We will offer a myriad of experiential training and educational practicums
🌟 You will have the opportunity to further refine your skills in guided hands-on sessions
🌟 You will give and receive practice Mentorship sessions in small practicum groups
🌟 You will continue to work on Areas of Focus and Reflections in our online portal with weekly assignments to enhance personal awareness, exploration and development
🌟 You will receive strategic prompts to excavate and assist (mitigate or bring to light) revelatory material
🌟 Participants will be encouraged, coached and given feedback to further develop their own personal Mentorship practice
🌟 You will experience an ongoing upgrade in your consciousness as you are held in a sacred container of higher wisdom
🌟 Develop and refine listening skills and gain more confidence in your ability to express what you see and feel to the Mentee
🌟 Program will be driven by participants’ engagement and desire for self awakening
🌟 You will consciously examine your limiting beliefs and patterns that may hinder your ability to Mentor another with similar hindrances
🌟 Your commitment and willingness to go deep in your process will invoke unexpected teachings and personal healing experiences that can only be revealed as we work together in our group process
🌟 You will receive individual and personalized attention and feedback on your Mentorship skills
🌟 Upon completion, you will have gained the necessary preparation and experience to integrate and make Mentorship a career path
For the successful completion of this program, participants are required to read “The 4 Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, & complete 20 hrs. of coaching outside of the program.
ANEM’s Advanced Mentorship 2 Program will be the same format as Mentorship 1 with one hour Wednesday evening classes and biweekly 2 hour Saturday practicum classes. Our program includes: live coaching feedback, advanced teachings, a weekly homework assignment related to the topic of the week, a private forum for participants to share their personal experiences and reflections, guest teacher Nancy Coleman and opportunities to send questions ahead of time via email that will be incorporated in the weekly teachings. Upon completion of this program, you will receive a certificate of completion for ANEM’s Advanced Mentorship 2 Program. Full participation is required in order to graduate this program. If you need to miss *one* class, a sufficient reason must be presented and all make up homework completed.
- Location: You will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune into an hour/ two hour long class on Zoom video, led by Nina.
- Times: Wednesdays; September 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th & October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th from 6:00-7:15PM PDT and Saturdays; September 9th, 23rd & October 7th, 21st from 11:00AM-1:00PM PDT. **Saturday practicum dates subject to change. They will be confirmed by the first Post Mentorship Class on July 5th.
- Donation: $1495. A $295 non-refundable deposit is due by July 1st to hold your spot.**$600 is due by August 1st & the remaining $600 is due by September 1st. See our ‘Payments & Logistics’ section below to review payment options.
A New Earth Movement
As Nina completed her masters degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation and growth in awareness and understanding culminated as she studied, apprenticed and eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz and Donna Barbara Emrys as a Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom. Subsequently Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness. Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through ceremonies, prayer and other healing ritual modalities as well as Earth-based teachings.