Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 19 2025
- Time: 8:00 pm

ANEM Community Prayer
Nina Palmieri will be leading us in an intentional prayer to access our light and faith, and to unify our consciousness in order to set the highest intent and outcome as we are traversing this most crucial time of our existence. This is an offering from A New Earth Movement to our community, and to all those who desire to be a part of this prayer.
Please email us at anewearthawareness@gmail.com to receive the link to join! All past prayer recordings can be found on our “Blog” drop down menu.

A New Earth Movement
As Nina completed her master’s degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation, and growth in awareness and understanding culminated as she studied, apprenticed, and eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz and Donna Barbara Emrys as a Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom. Subsequently, Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness. Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through ceremonies, prayer, and other healing ritual modalities as well as Earth-based teachings.