Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 17 2024
- Time: 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm

A Free 30 minute Divine Mother Class
Join us on April 17th for a free, 30 minute class hosted by Nina as a preclude to our upcoming ‘Divine Mother Transmissions and Meditations’ Series in May! During this free class, Nina will share about her personal journey with the Divine Mother, and expand on the initiatory steps into Her sacred mysteries as a way to align and immerse us deeper into Her presence, guidance and Love.
Nina Palmieri, Founder and Leader of A New Earth Movement, has been on a sacred initiatory path and a dedicated devotee of the Divine Mother for over 23 years. Throughout this process, Nina has since brought forth channeled messages and teachings from the Divine Mother where through Her, she transmits eternal wisdom to embody and live by.
We are inviting all those who desire to join in the medicine of the heart, and take in Her guidance and Spirit of peace during this radical, transformational time on the planet!
Our upcoming May Series, ‘Divine Mother Transmissions and Meditations’ is held in honor of our Divine Celestial Mother, and will be filled with divinely inspired teachings, meditations and transmissions. At this time on our planet, it is especially important to align ourselves with Higher guidance to support us on how to properly navigate these treacherous times, and to learn how to live in the center of Her peace where true guidance and love resides. Through the Mother, Nina will offer a powerful opportunity for participants to deepen in connection with the Divine Mother’s love and grace, and to be guided into communion, as we learn how to bridge the Her presence into our daily lives.
– Location: Follow this link to sign up for our free Zoom video class!
– Time: Wednesday, April 17th at 6:00pm pst
A New Earth Movement
As Nina completed her masters degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation and growth in awareness and understanding culminated as she studied, apprenticed and eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz and Donna Barbara Emrys as a Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom. Subsequently Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness. Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through ceremonies, prayer and other healing ritual modalities as well as Earth-based teachings.