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  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: May 07 2025
  • Time: 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Zoom Conference Call
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May 07 2025


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm



Divine Mother’s Wisdom: Meditations for the Soul

As we approach the sacred month of May, a time dedicated to celebrating and honoring the Divine Mother, we invite all those who feel Her call to join us for our ‘Divine Mother’s Wisdom: Meditations for the Soul’ Series. Through Nina, we are offered a profound opportunity during this transformative series to commune and deepen in our relationship with the Divine Mother’s peace and grace, the true source of wisdom and love. 

Nina will offer transmissions and profound meditations that are intentfully designed to deepen our understanding of and connection with the Divine Mother’s alchemical wisdom and mysteries, as we also learn how to bridge Her boundless presence and guidance into our everyday lives.

As we come together in sincere devotion, seeking to open our hearts more fully to Her grace, these gifts and messages from the Divine Mother will truly enhance and support our personal and collective evolution.

🌹 To complement this series, we are also offering our Divine Mother Essence at a discounted rate for class participants.
The Gateway Divine Mother Essence is made with the petals of the red rose, which historically is associated as a spiritual symbol of the Divine Mother and the feminine principle of the Divine. The spirit of the red rose facilitates communion with the Divine Mother and alignment with the sacred frequency of unconditional love, the spirit of surrender, peace and receptivity. This essence ignites a state of devotional love and bliss, a deep healing of the heart, restoration of faith and a healing of our relationship with the Mother. During our community devotional service to the Divine Mother, as we sing, pray and invoke Her presence, we step into a greater understanding and experience of Her sacred properties while we intently create this essence. This essence facilitates an opening into a portal of the sacred mysteries of the feminine and the Divine Mother of Creation. As we work with this Gateway Divine Mother Essence, we enter into sacred union and divine bliss, where we access the deep remembrance and highest form of Divine love that is beyond our human understanding.

Location: You will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune in. This class takes place through Zoom Audio.

Time: Wednesday evenings, May 7th, 21st & 28th from 6:00-7:00 PM PDT

Contribution: $131. for the essence and series (this essence price is discount for class participants, and includes the shipping cost), or $104 just for the series. You will have access to the recorded audio of the sessions via Dropbox. If you purchase an essence, please provide your shipping address in the notes or via email. Essences will be shipped within two business days of purchase.


Nina Palmieri M.S., B.S., has spent the last 25 years educating and empowering individuals and groups to gain self-awareness and transformational tools in order to help them achieve personal freedom. She is a spiritual counselor, educator and facilitates deep personal and group healings.

As Nina completed her masters degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation and growth in awareness and understanding ensued as she studied with several indigenous elders. She went on to attend the Toltec Mystery School and apprentice for 10 years where she eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements as a “Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage” of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom.

Through her journey, she grew into the gift of perception into all living things, as well as the ability to deeply penetrate the illusions of the psyche and utilize the force of love and truth to invoke oneself to have a profound transformation. Inspired by her apprenticeship and initiation, Nina has taken the teachings passed on to her and has continued to grow deeper in these mysteries becoming a Seer, a gift that she expresses and transmits to her students and the world. Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness.

Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through wisdom teachings, ceremonies, prayer, rituals and other healing modalities.

To learn more about Nina, click here!


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Book Event

Divine Mother's Wisdom: Meditations for the Soul $104
Available Tickets: Unlimited
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