Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 11 2021
- Time: 9:00 pm

Journey to the Upper Realms
During this auspicious time on the planet, humanity is at a crucial crossroad. There is a strong need for us to align ourselves with the highest forces that serve the greater good of humanity and All of Creation. This Wednesday evening, Rachel will lead us on a shamanic journey to the upper Celestial realms to invoke support for our individual healing as well as for the state of the world. Don’t miss this important opportunity to gather together in this way; to sound the alarms and summon the upper realms. We will gather the forces of the Divine to assist us individually and for our planet as we are making this next important leap in the evolution of our consciousness.
**We are offering a discount of $65 to those of you who sign up for this gatherings and also the Peak of the Fire Ritual if payment is sent by Tuesday, August 10th.**
– Location: You will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune into an hour-long journey led by Rachel. This offering takes place through Zoom Video.
– Time: Wednesday, August 11th; 6pm- 7pm PDT
– Donation: $25. You will have access to the recorded audio of the sessions via Dropbox.
A New Earth Movement
Rachel Nez is a skilled shamanic practitioner and has spent time amongst indigenous cultures for the past two decades and following the mission and the call of A New Earth Moment since its inception. Rachel is a co-facilitator for ANEM private healing retreats and provides individual healing sessions in person or remotely to support deep healing and assist people in their healing and reconnection with Creator. She studied extensively with the Foundation for Shamanic studies and received training in soul retrieval from Sandra Ingerman. Rachel serves as a senior member of our core team.