Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 26 2022
- Time: 9:00 pm - 10:30 pm

How to Utilize the New Moon & Fall Equinox to Actualize Your Transformation
A Unique 90 minute Astrological & Yogic Wisdom Class to Align you with the Fall Equinox
No matter where you find yourself on Earth, the milky white moonlight has undoubtedly caught your attention at one point or another. In the same way, we all have a relationship to the change of seasons- how they make us feel, our favorite ones. But are we truly aware of the deeper meaning behind them?
The Moon, just like our emotional and mental bodies, ebbs and flows each month. Similarly, the four seasons each bring so much change all around us. These processes are a clear outer reflection of the cyclical nature of the human experience here on Earth, and the way that beginnings and endings inform one another. In studying both the lunar phases and seasonal changes, how they affect our experiences and how we can align within them, so much self awareness and transformation can be gained.
This unique offering from Alix Claman & Ian Via will begin with a teaching by Alix about the Moon phases, specifically the new moon, and how we can utilize this moment for our growth and self awareness. She will also discuss how each month, the new moon lands in the vibrational energy field of a zodiac sign, and the ways we can work with that energy to set specific intentions for ourselves. On this particular new moon, the Moon will be in Sidereal Virgo, initiating the potent Indian festival of Navaratri- The 9 Nights of the Divine Mother.
Ian will then offer guidance on ways to best utilize the period around the fall equinox and this specific new moon to optimize our deepening into the truest essence of our beingness. This can be achieved through diet, lifestyle and connecting with nature, not only in space, but in time. This is the optimum time to purify our mind and body to improve lasting wellness, longevity, immunity and vitality. For the coming year, and throughout our lives.
Both long time students and apprentices of Nina Palmieri & A New Earth Movement; Alix is also a Vedic Astrologer and Mentor & Ian is an Acharya Yogi, Student of Ayurveda and Mentor.
– Location: The format is an audio tele-class on Zoom, where you will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune into a 90 minute teaching led by Alix & Ian.
-Times: Monday evening; September 26th; from 6:00-7:30PM PDT
-Donation: $35. For those participating in both the Fall Equinox class with Nina & this class, we are offering a discount of $50 for both classes- payment options below. You will have access to the recorded audio of the sessions via Dropbox.
ALIX CLAMAN – Core Member
A New Earth Movement
Alix Claman is a core member of ANEM since its inception, a long time apprentice within the teachings of the Legacy of Awareness and a practicing Vedic Astrologer. Over the many years Alix has been a committed student of ANEM, she has consistently grown in her awareness, and implements these fundamental teachings into all aspects of her life, including her work with the ancient science of Vedic Astrology. She believes that in attuning with the planetary forces, we can utilize them as tools to help us access our highest potential, and guide us on our healing journey.
IAN VIA – Core Member
A New Earth Movement
Ian Via is a core member of ANEM from its inception and serves as the keeper of the sacred fire for ANEM’s rituals and ceremonies. He is also an apprentice to the Legacy of Awareness, Legacy of Righteousness and the wisdom teachings offered through A New Earth Movement.