Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 30 2021
- Time: 9:00 pm

Message of Hope for Humanity: Channel by Rachel
Join us for a channel from the Light Beings through Rachel with a message of hope for humanity. Community members that are registered for this event can submit questions ahead of time. We will hand select the one’s that are appropriate and they will be asked throughout this evening’s channel.
– Location:You will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune into this channel, led by Rachel. This takes place through Zoom, and there is also an option to call in with Skype for international participants.
– Time: Tuesday evening; at 6pm PST
– Donation: $25. You will have access to the recorded audio of the sessions via Dropbox.
A New Earth Movement
Rachel Nez is a skilled shamanic practitioner and has spent time amongst indigenous cultures for the past two decades and following the mission and the call of A New Earth Moment since its inception. Rachel is a co-facilitator for ANEM private healing retreats and provides individual healing sessions in person or remotely to support deep healing and assist people in their healing and reconnection with Creator. She studied extensively with the Foundation for Shamanic studies and received training in soul retrieval from Sandra Ingerman. Rachel serves as a senior member of our core team.