Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jan 04 2023
- Time: 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Wisdom Teachings Series
During this 6 week series, we will be guided into the Divine understanding of the origin and makings of the virtual reality, aka, the conditioned mind that stands in the way of our purest potential and implicitly, the fullest expression of our authentic selves.
In this series, we will gradually and consistently grow into self-awareness and begin to understand the root causes of our individual and societal suffering. We will be held in a container of Divine, ancient wisdom that reflects the deeper understandings of the truth of who we are, one that allows us to See our true Self through greater eyes of Divine awareness.
‘The Wisdom Teachings Series’ is an informative, powerful and introductory level course that paves the way for awareness and transformation. Additionally, this series is highly recommended for advanced students who wish to go to their next level of consciousness.
We will be provided with life-long, foundational and practical tools that you will be able to access instantaneously in your life when faced with situations, conditions or relationships that require the highest possible perspective and resolve.
Founder of ANEM & its Mystery School, our teacher and guide- Nina Palmieri, has been a long time apprentice of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The 4 Agreements and Dona Barbara Emrys. She attended their Toltec Mystery School for over a decade and was initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz as a “Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom”. Inspired by her apprenticeship and initiation, Nina has taken the teachings passed on to her and has continued to grow deeper in these mysteries, becoming a Seer, a gift that she expresses and transmits to her students and the world.
‘The Wisdom Teachings Series’ is an informative, powerful and introductory level course that paves the way for awareness and transformation. Additionally, this series is highly recommended for advanced students who wish to go to their next level of consciousness
– Location: The format is six tele-classes, where you will be given access to a conference call number via email to tune into an hour long teaching, community platform and Q&A session, led by Nina. The series takes place through Zoom.
– Times: Wednesday evenings; January 4, 11, 18, 25 & February 1, 8 from 6:00-7:00 PST
– Donation: $150 for the series or $25per class. A discounted rate of $125 is offered for those who commit to all 6 classes upfront. Full participation is strongly encouraged. You will have access to the recorded audio of the sessions via Dropbox.

A New Earth Movement
As Nina completed her master’s degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation, and growth in awareness and understanding culminated as she studied, apprenticed, and eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz and Donna Barbara Emrys as a Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom. Subsequently, Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness. Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through ceremonies, prayer, and other healing ritual modalities as well as Earth-based teachings.