May 12th-18th, 2025, we will be offering a 7-day intensive of Ancient teachings, prayer, meditation and ritual as we walk in pilgrimage and intent through the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacán, The Place where Man Becomes God. Other events include a trip to the Basilica of Guadalupe, as well as spontaneous rituals and unique excursions to the Sacred sights.
This trip is only for those who are ready and willing to go deep in self-exploration in order to reclaim one’s personal freedom. This is a most profound opportunity to come face yourself, let go in a safe setting, and reemerge as your truest nature, full of love and authenticity. You are guaranteed to go back home filled with greater awareness, deeper happiness and sustainable transformation. Nina attributes her state of happiness and perception greatly to her experiences and training in Teotihuacán, and is personally inviting all those who are ready to do the work and take this powerful leap of consciousness at this time on our planet.
We also highly encourage all those who plan to participate in the Mentorship Program to join us, as well as our past Mentorship graduates to take this leap towards the next stage of their evolution. Additionally, we invite all of those who have joined us in the past on our Power Journeys in Teotihuacán, to enhance and further their awareness and transformation towards personal freedom.
A phone interview with Alix, our Director of Operations, as well as The Wisdom Teachings Series, are both pre-requisites for this journey. Please click this link to purchase that series, and email us to set up your interview.

The Dreaming House
(You will fly into Mexico City)
Total Payment – $1,950
Cost Includes:
Accommodations (double occupancy) provided by the beautiful Dreaming House, delicious homemade meals, transportation to and from the airport at designated times, daily teachings at Dreaming House and sacred sites, daily tickets into pyramids, an intensive healing ceremony, & final closing.
Single occupancy lodging is provided at an additional cost. Additional nights of stay at the Hotel and transportation to and from the airport outside of designated times are available at additional cost and can be set up through the Dreaming House.

About Retreat Facilitator
Nina Palmieri

Nina Palmieri M.S., B.S., has spent the last 25 years educating and empowering individuals and groups to gain self-awareness and transformational tools in order to help them achieve personal freedom. She is a spiritual counselor, educator and facilitates deep personal and group healings.
As Nina completed her masters degree in Health Education, she realized the importance of integrating the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of one’s being with physical health. A lifelong journey of devotion, transformation and growth in awareness and understanding ensued as she studied with several indigenous elders. She went on to attend the Toltec Mystery School and apprentice for 10 years where she eventually became initiated by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements as a “Nagual Woman of the Eagle Knight Lineage” of the Ancient Toltec Wisdom.
Through her journey, she grew into the gift of perception into all living things, as well as the ability to deeply penetrate the illusions of the psyche and utilize the force of love and truth to invoke oneself to have a profound transformation. Inspired by her apprenticeship and initiation, Nina has taken the teachings passed on to her and has continued to grow deeper in these mysteries becoming a Seer, a gift that she expresses and transmits to her students and the world. Nina developed a body of teachings in order to assist people in clearing limiting beliefs and to awaken to the truth of the light within, as well as to align with the greater consciousness.
Eventually, A New Earth Movement was divinely inspired and birthed in order to provide a platform for people to come awaken and become empowered through wisdom teachings, ceremonies, prayer, rituals and other healing modalities.
To learn more about Nina, click here!