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All ANEM Tele-Classes


The Legacy of Awareness Wisdom Teaching Tele-classes are supportive tools and teachings to master self awareness and achieve personal transformation.

We provide different themed series throughout the course of the year filled with sacred transmissions and pertinent present-time messages led by Spirit and rooted in Toltec wisdom.

These series are live with an online group setting where we have the opportunity to ask questions and receive the support required to implement changes that we are earnestly desiring in our life. This is a great way to join in a community of like-minded people to raise our consciousness together and become liberated during these powerful times on our planet.

The live classes are $25/per class or offered at a discounted rate when the full series is purchased up front. All classes are recorded; you can access these recordings and re-listen at your own convenience. Pre-recorded classes are offered at a discounted rate. There is also a private Facebook group for ANEM members to dialogue with fellow participants and receive the support of a network of awareness seekers who are deeply committed to selfgrowth and personal evolution.

  • Through this series, Nina opens a pathway designed to support the integration of deep spiritual transformation.  We begin with an understanding of how to find our center and how to be our own greatest ally throughout this process.  We discuss the many different ways that our fears creep in and work to prevent us from our freedom.  From there, we open to the awareness of how to allow the Divine to be our guide, as well as how to form a healthy relationship with our own transformation. This class series was inspired upon our return from our annual Power Journey, to offer tools and community participation that assist in the integration process.  This is one of our most popular series geared to assist you to bridge transformations into everyday living. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This introduction to the wisdom teachings serves as an opening and a foundation for the Legacy of Awareness classes of A New Earth Movement. Nina guides us through basic principles that are used to navigate the mind and unravel conditioned patterns in order to transform and come to know ourselves more deeply. This series is highly recommended for those who want to go deep into the core principles of the teachings that serve us on this journey of awareness. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • 1 Class Recording, 1 hour long 
  • Pathways to Personal Evolution and Realigning with Universal Law

    This featured series is dedicated to the Twelve Principles & Alchemical Teachings of A New Earth Movement.  Our twelve principles make up the foundation of our Movement and serve as pathways that lead to the awakening, spiritual evolution and ultimately self-realization; a conscious state of Oneness with the Divine. Each principle is an entity in and of itself that serve as an evolutionary process towards the embodiment of Love and realignment with Universal law. This tele-class series is filled with sacred teachings, transmissions and insights from Nina and Tudor about how to apply, embody and uphold these principles into our lives individually as well as in community. 6 class recordings, two ninety minutes long and four one-hour long.
  • In this six class series, we are guided into the Divine understanding of the origin and makings of the virtual reality, aka, the conditioned mind that stands in the way of our purest potential and implicitly, the fullest expression of our authentic selves.  In this series, we gradually and consistently grow into self-awareness and begin to understand the root causes of our individual and societal suffering. We are held in a container of Divine, ancient wisdom that reflects the deeper understandings of the truth of who we are, one that allows us to See our true Self through greater eyes of Divine awareness.  'The Wisdom Teachings Series' is an informative, powerful and introductory level course that paves the way for awareness and transformation. Additionally, this seriesis highly recommended for advanced students who wish to go to their next level of consciousness. This series is also a prerequisite for our Mentorship Program.  We are provided with life-long, foundational and practical tools that you will be able to access instantaneously in your life when faced with situations, conditions or relationships that require the highest possible perspective and resolve.  
    6 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • Through this series, we explore the nature of addiction and identify the underlying causes of associated self-destructive patterns.  We work to alleviate the patterns that keep us plagued in suffering verses liberation of the spirit. Nina has many years of background in addiction recovery as well as spiritual counseling and weaves throughout this series a higher perspective relating to the nature of addiction. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • Many ANEM apprentices and class participants have expressed an interest in learning how to become a mentor. The main requirement for one to become a good mentor resides in having been able to successfully and satisfactorily graduate and integrate personal life lessons and experiences and feel the calling to assist somebody else to achieve the same.  
    The primary theme of our mentorship program is how to become your own coach in your personal development and healing process, while simultaneously develop the necessary insights to assist others wisely through their own growth and healing journey.  This introductory 4 class series is a prerequisite for our Mentorship program and will help to address the underlying foundational topics of our full mentorship program.  Nina will introduce the basic necessary teachings for this path that will guide us through a journey of self study to better prepare one’s internal landscape for mentorship, as well as gain a deeper understanding of themselves and what is necessary in order to mentor someone at the soul level. Upon completion of this introductory series, one will have gained the necessary understanding of the Mentorship Program and can better assess if they want to dive deeper into the mastery of soul level mentorship. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • Tonight we opened the Divine Mother Month of May celebration.  Nina spoke about the Legacy of Peace and acknowledged the participant’s growing relationship with the Mother and how that is impacting the world. Tonight’s transmission stressed the immediate importance of focusing on the inner world that we are engaging in.  She invited us to soften our internal world, our gaze and our heart, to release the inner grip and step into a surrendered state of receptivity to develop the strength of our inner Love and cultivate our truest selves during this time. We were held in a guided meditation to receive the spirit of the rose/the essence of our Divine Mother to clear us to remember our Divinity and participate in the symbiotic wheel of life for the benefit of all of Creation.   1 class, 1 hour long
  • In this class series we dive deep into the purification of the four bodies; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and join with our intent together to work to cleanse our body systems and to purify and align with our highest wellness. On this journey, we identify our patterns and attachments that hinder our wellness, along with learning how to work as an ally to meet our goals and enter into an opportunity to heal the four bodies in order to rebirth the light and purest potential within ourselves. We dedicate each one hour class to one of our respective bodies (as well as an intro & closing class) and enter into an intensive teaching with respect to purification; and get to know the ways in which we can grow and align to best support this particular body for the acceleration of our awakening and well-being. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This Divine Mother class was inspired by the transmissions that came through the completion of the 2019 Rosary paste. Her Sacred law was made known throughout this class, which highlights the spirit of generosity, kindness, and our true nature of harmony. The call for the rise of peace for the Divine Mother initiates is a reminder to unify and carry the pillar of peace for the world, humanity, and for the children. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • This class opened with a meditation to ignite the postures of humility, stillness, and quietude in order to help us commune with the Holy Divine Mother. We were invited to remember that the Celestial Mother was with us at the time when we were in the womb of our birth mother, and how she is alive in the womb of our Mother Earth especially through the sacred waters.  The essence of the rose was weaved throughout this class to help us remember how to utilize this frequency and connect with the Divine Mother’s sacred fragrance & Celestial Love. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • This special 90- minute class opens with a ritualized prayer in celebration of the Great Father Spirit. Nina offers messages from the Divine Father of how to embody this sacred communion and the language of Light. A thought provoking commentary on the balance of the masculine and feminine was discussed as well as how to fan the flame within of both the Father and the Mother. 1 class recording, ninety minutes long.
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