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11. Love & Be Happy by Leslie Ann McQuaide

Winning Bid: $220.00

1 in stock

Cotton transfer print with quote from Don Miguel Ruiz, repurposed Guatemalan handwoven fabric, Peruvian handwoven belt, machine appliqued cotton and linen embroidered fabrics, wooden dowel with knobs for wall hanging. Size: 21 x 34 inches and shipping costs included!

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Item condition: New

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Description / FAQs

Leslie Ann McQuaide, Ventura, California, is a mixed media artist who frequently uses found objects and recycled materials in her constructions. She has been a member of A New Earth Movement (ANEM) for eight years, having met Nina through Elder Brother Malidoma Somé. She is thrilled that her long-time mentor and dear friend, Tudor Calin Marinescu, discovered that Nina was his soulmate and married her, thus uniting forever two of the world’s most precious beings. Leslie Ann is a professional counselor who found her heart-home in the life teachings of the Toltec Masters and, as a graduate of the ANEM Mentoring Program, utilizes the Toltec teachings in her art and counseling work. She credits A New Earth Movement with teaching her how to live a happy life, following her gifts and contributing to the well-being of her family, her community and this planet.

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