This package is intended to help you to awaken to your innate connection with magic and the devic realms and plant spirit nation. It is the awakening of Goddess Consciousness, and each item was chosen to magnify and accelerate the awakening of the Goddess within You. You can further imbue each item with intent and utilize them in magical means.
Mists of Avalon Mist: This floral water carries the prayer for the restoration of the Sacred Feminine and awakening the Goddess within. Some of the herbs in this particular blend we personally hand harvested from Glastonbury, the ancient land of Avalon, at the famous Chalice Well. “Mists of Avalon” Gateway Mist is infused with the intent for the activation of one’s ancient memory, bringing to life one’s connection with plant spirits, earth magic, and the alchemy of the golden ray of Ascension. **Limited supply available**
More info below!