Living in this crazy world, I find my life tends to gravitate towards greater and greater complexity. The dream of the world sucks me in! And it distracts me and often consumes me. It slowly but surely keeps adding weight to this load that I’m carrying. Creating this downward pull. A heaviness. A numbing anxiety. A downward trajectory. Dragging me steadily down into the muddy mire of darkness and confusion! Ahhhhh! … I’m being dramatic, but I’m being honest.

Over the years I have become more aware of the way the dream of our world keeps me from knowing my truest, highest self and being my truest, highest self. I have stepped onto the path of changing this dream that is within me. Many times I have tried to walk this path all alone, and many times I have been humbled by the strength of this dream. I have realized that I need some help! I have realized that guidance and companionship are very helpful for me on this narrow and difficult path.

For me A New Earth Movement provides a path with clear direction towards freedom. It is a path that has adjusted my trajectory upward, away from the tangled webs of the world dream and towards the clear skies of truth. Also it has given me the tools to navigate my life and keep that steady upward trajectory. Joining together with the ANEM community is a chance for me to fully lay down the heavy load of life that I sometimes carry, and a chance to leave some of that load behind forever. Becoming lighter has allowed me to naturally float up to a higher perspective, to have more personal power, and to be steady and calm in the face of life’s challenges.

The space created by ANEM is home sweet home and it is also a training ground. It is a place for me to keep returning to. It is a home where I experience deep love, spiritual comfort, true companionship, freedom, and tremendous joy. It is also an arena for me to come face to face with that which holds me back. To see who I truly am, who I think I am, and who I am not. It is a place to experience fear and to learn to not be afraid. It is a place to make personal progress, and how gratifying it is to watch myself mature.

It is even more gratifying to watch us mature as a community. How beautiful it is to be together with people who are traveling along that upward trajectory. All of us helping each other along the way and keeping each other on track. I feel that momentum when we are together and it carries me in my own life too.

Thank you,
