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  • As this marks an especially monumental moment on our planet, we announce our Winter Solstice tele-class series.  Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light.  It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light.  As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Let's step into the dark and birth the light together in this 2 hour video ritual, where we will align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • Nina opened this class by bringing us into alignment with the portal of Summer Solstice. We were guided to expand on the seed of Light within our being and connect it with the Light of the Sun. There were many teachings that came through to facilitate the decalcification of lower thought forms to inspire the actualization of our awakening. 1 Class Recording, 1 hour long 
  • As the winter is thawing out, we approach the time of the springequinox. This is a sacred point on the medicine wheel where we, as seekers of truth, have the opportunity to realign with this sacred cycle for the benefit of our transformation; for as above so below. Traditionally the spring is the time where we wake up out of our hibernation. As we know, during this time of the spring equinox, the light and the dark are at equal lengths. With our greater awareness we can utilize this opportunity and choose to continue to explore our inner destination and God’s will for ourselves, and make sure that we align with the inherent momentum of the blossoming light rather than be magnetized, diverted and pursued by the darker, lower frequencies. Through this two class series, we address how to best align with the particularities of this coming season, focus our intent on the resurfacing of the light and let go of unhealthy patterns that keep us dwelling in the unconscious, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate throughout this sacred cycle. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • Rachel leads us on a Shamanic drumming journey, where we will travel into the realms of non-ordinary reality to receive empowerment for this new year ahead. This shamanic journey also allows us the opportunity to connect with the upper celestial world to access guidance and healing for these times.
    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • Rachel leads us on a Shamanic drumming journey, where we travel into the realms of non-ordinary reality to receive empowerment. This shamanic journey also allows us the opportunity to connect with the underworld to access guidance and healing for these times. The participants share together afterwards about their experiences.
    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • As we enter the season of the Summer Solstice, this  mini-series is dedicated to the Return of the Light. In aligning with this main point on the sacred wheel of the Earth cycle we have the opportunity to awaken even deeper to the truth and light of our inherent divinity. In this heightened time of crisis on our planet as all structures of the “known” are crumbling down, it is of utmost importance to explore and work with the energy of this time in order to manifest our highest healing and creative potential. All teachings and transmissions are designed for you to raise your awareness and consciousness, as well as to alchemize your fears and resistances in order to ascend to this high moment of pure potential. We offer teachings and transmissions on this cycle and how to align ourselves with the return of the light, to utilize the peak of the light for ourselves individually through spirit guided teachings and rituals. Dr. Tudor will be joining Nina in teaching this series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • We enter into the 8th point on this year’s medicine wheel. Nina and Tudor lead us on a two-hour video ritual in honor of the Peak of the Fire, the 8th point where we celebrate in the height of the Light to actualize the crescendo point of our intent with gratitude. In addition, August 15th is the Feast of Assumption; a holy day that marks the occasion of our Divine Mother’s bodily ascent to heaven at the end of her earthly incarnation. In Her great honor, we align deeply with this portal and celebrate our Great Mother’s Ascension and tap into our individual opportunity to ascend to greater realms of Divinity within and all around us.
    2 class recordings, 1 hour each $50
  • 1 Class Recording, 1 hour long 
  • This evening, the Divine Mother guided us to be held and rocked in her arms where we were able to release and dissolve the negative interference and attachments.  In doing so we were able to open up to and highlight the connection between Her heart and ours which is held together by a cosmic cell.  We were invited to revisit Her sacred messages and create a practice that helps us to embody peace during this times of chaos, to strengthen our spiritual fiber and ward off the negative invaders and thought forms through our shields of light.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • The opening message of the Divine Mother was an invitation for us to remember our Divinity. As she has stated many times before, we are in the return of the Great Mother where we are in need of embodying the feminine principles of the Divine. The mother walked us through a mediation to open up into a receptive state, to alchemize all the obstructions that have presented us from knowing and embodying the inherent love within.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • The Divine Mother stresses the importance of receptivity while bringing us into the inner caves of the sacred feminine so that we can receive and open to Love.. She guides us through a meditation where we experience the holy rains that exemplify the Mother’s qualities and instructs us how to recognize what we are watering inside of ourselves and how to focus on what we would like to bloom during this springtime season. We are invited to find playfulness in our lives, practice our art, and spread the Love that we truly are to the children and all of humanity.  Overall theme is how to focus on the Love and light in order to detach from the lower dimension and accelerate to the next dimension.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • This Divine Mother drop in class takes place on the auspicious day of Yemanja, Queen of the Sea; Mother of creation and also falls on one of the key points of the 8 pointed star medicine wheel.  This point is the halfway mark between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox; a time where we are focused on waking up.  The Divine Mother guides us into the deep well of wisdom through a guided meditation where we connect with the celestial rays of Her light and work to germinate the seeds of our consciousness as well as all of Creation to spread this light far and wide. Our Sacred Mother gives messages about our fear of Love, and how we can better serve our sacred children at this time on our planet.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

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