As the winter is thawing out, we approach the time of the springequinox. This is a sacred point on the medicine wheel where we, as seekers of truth, have the opportunity to realign with this sacred cycle for the benefit of our transformation; for as above so below.
Traditionally the spring is the time where we wake up out of our hibernation. As we know, during this time of the spring equinox, the light and the dark are at equal lengths. With our greater awareness we can utilize this opportunity and choose to continue to explore our inner destination and God’s will for ourselves, and make sure that we align with the inherent momentum of the blossoming light rather than be magnetized, diverted and pursued by the darker, lower frequencies.
Through this two class series, we address how to best align with the particularities of this coming season, focus our intent on the resurfacing of the light and let go of unhealthy patterns that keep us dwelling in the unconscious, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate throughout this sacred cycle.
Dr. Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series.
3 class recordings, 1 hour each