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  • We find ourselves again at the beginning of our Earth Cycle calendar, the Fall Equinox, where we have an opportunity to begin anew. Here we start to navigate the map of our inner landscape, utilizing the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent, while also addressing the obstacles that hinder us along the way.
    During this class, we start to till the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves.
    A year-long journey begins at this time, and together, we work to unlock the ancient mysteries within and all-around.
    1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • The full moon, or Purnima in Sanskrit, represents a time of illumination and an upsurge of energy. Much can be revealed when the sun and moon are opposite in the sky, as the direct light of the sun amplifies and enhances the awareness of the moon, the planet of our mind and psychological landscape.
    During this class, which took place on the full moon, we utilize this upsurge of energy to enhance our spiritual awareness, as well as discuss how to work with the powerful frequencies of the full moon each month to enliven our connection to the cosmic vibrations.
    Alix will also share about the particular full moon during this class, as it was the midway point for the new moon cycle that began with a total solar eclipse, and also marks the end of a Mercury retrograde cycle. At the end of our class, participants are encouraged to ask questions, and share about their experiences with these recent planetary movements.
    Alix Claman has been a practicing Vedic Astrologer since 2016, a student of Nina Palmieri since 2013 and the Director of Operations for A New Earth Movement since its inception. 
    1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • During this class, led by ANEM Core Member Monika Szrek, we look at health through several angles, with a focus on how to cultivate and walk with resilience for optimal well-being through the change of seasons.
    We explore the energetics of seasonal change and the key ingredients for navigating the shift into colder seasons of fall and winter with awareness; utilizing herbal allies, traditional wisdom around diet and self care, as well as Toltec Wisdom. Topics covered bring a deeper understanding of specific herbal allies pertinent to the season, as well as self awareness and tools to cultivate an embodiment of balance and inner/outer harmony.
    Monika Szrek is a practicing Holistic Herbalist and Ayurvedic Practitioner, and has been a dedicated student of ANEM’s mystery school for the past decade. Through her business Living Wisdom she supports her community in transforming health of body and mind, with the ultimate goal of supporting clients in finding optimal balance with Self and environment. Sharing from this body of wisdom around holistic well-being is one of her greatest joys in life!
    1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • This class took place on May 1st, 2024. Nina offers this special class to bring forth the fertile light that is connected to this sacred point on the medicine wheel, the midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, where life is alive and blooming.
    We can smell the perfume of fertility in the air and see the rainbow spectrum of flowers bursting forth, sharing their beauty with us. As we are also Nature, we too are blossoming forth our intentions and beginning to see a sneak peak of the fruits of our labor.
    During this 1 hour audio class, we utilize our intent and the truthful essence of this point on the medicine wheel to foster the aspects of our inner garden that are ready to bloom into fullest manifestation, so that we can share our unique creations and messages of love with the world for the benefit of All of Creation.
    1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • On February 1st, we reach the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. This point represents an opportunity to align ourselves, and put our full attention on the seed that has been deeply rooted within us, now beginning to germinate. This special class is offered on this day to bring forth the light that is connected to this sacred point on the medicine wheel. This light will help to de-thaw us and to bring forth healing, clarity, and the germination of our souls intent. This powerful point has been celebrated and utilized in many earth-based teachings, and together, we will tap into this power to manifest our becoming, as well as for healing on the planet. Nina shares teachings and transmissions, as well as bring us into a sacred ritual to bring forth the light. You are invited to wear white and to have a white candle to light during this class. 1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • During these treacherous and profoundly transformational times that we are currently traversing on our planet, the veils of separation have thinned out. Consequently, as we are shifting to higher evolutionary dimensions, many of us are becoming more and more aware of our interconnection with other humans, and ultimately, with all of Creation. As such, we are astutely recognizing how our own detrimental thought forms, emotions and actions, as well as those of others, have been encroaching upon our field; affecting our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, and actions in the world. This calls for an unyielding, focused, determined, and ongoing firm stance in our truest form by enhancing our personal spiritual hygiene practices, and most importantly, learning how to stand strong and centered within the innermost core of our Being. Over the past couple of years, many of Nina's colleagues and peers have asked her to offer teachings on this subject, and the timing of it did not feel right until now. As of most recently, there is a strong Divine impulse that is instructing, and even urging her, to bring this body of wisdom forth. This class is for those who are walking a true path with awareness, respect, humility and the utmost commitment, and who ultimately desire to walk in beauty with oneself and others, to co-create the restoration and spiritual advancement of all Creation. 1 class recording, 1.5 hours total
  • This class takes place during the Spring Equinox, a moment of equal day and equal night. Here we have an opportunity to align with the inherent momentum of blossoming light, rather than be diverted and persuaded by nefarious frequencies.

    Traditionally, the spring is a time of renewal when we wake up out of our hibernation, start to shake off the winter slumber, and move in the direction of the seeds we have planted in the fall.

    During this class, Nina addresses how to best align with the particularities of this coming season, focus our intent on the resurfacing of the light, and let go of unhealthy patterns that keep us dwelling in the unconscious, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate throughout this sacred cycle.

    1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • As we enter the season of the Summer Solstice, this upcoming class will offer teachings and transmissions dedicated to the Return of the Light. In aligning with this main point on the sacred wheel of the earth cycle, we have the opportunity to awaken even deeper to the truth and light of our inherent divinity.
    This class is designed to help you raise your awareness and consciousness in order to awaken to the frequencies of golden light and unlock the codes of Divine light within your being-ness. We will also work to alchemize our fears and resistances in order to ascend to this high moment of pure potential together.
    1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • The commercialized holiday known as Valentine’s Day was initially a Christian feast honoring a martyr named St. Valentine, and later became popularized through folk traditions as a commercial celebration of romance and love. As this popularized holiday approaches, we are reminded how much the symbology of romantic love is deeply imbued in our culture, and consequently, how this reinforces the conditioned belief that we have to look outside of ourselves in order to encounter love. This illusionary concept is the furthest thing from the truth, and perpetuates disconnection from the Source, from our truest selves, and ultimately, is the main source of our suffering. Now, more than ever, it is of utmost importance to recognize that true sustenance comes from the intimate communion with our own Love, and with Source. When we are centered within this communion, we are empowered in truth, and can learn how to be responsible for ourselves, as well as no longer be victimized by believing that the outside world can validate our happiness and self-worth. In the spirit of this moment in time, and in honor of our true selves, Nina will offer a special class on February 14th, filled with sacred wisdom and guidance to help us connect to the source of Divine Love and Truth, and turn our gaze inwards, in order to master the art of self-love first.  As we uncover the very things that stand in the way of the truth of Love and our truest self, we will learn how to identify fear-based beliefs, and reinforce simple, yet powerful ways to change our conditioned patterns. This class involves teachings, transmissions, and a guided meditation. It is designed for us to embark on an inner journey to develop self-love and self-respect, as we learn how to become a great ally to ourselves with respect to the topic of Love. Nina's sacred teachings on self-love are not to be missed, as she shares from a place of authenticity, and transmits a frequency of love that carries forth a pure and deep reflection. Participants are also encouraged to submit questions ahead of time. 1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • Join us for a channel from the Light Beings through Rachel with a message of hope for humanity. This is a powerful moment to unite together at the start of this new year to receive these sacred messages for the betterment of ourselves and all of humanity! Community members that are registered for this event can submit one sentence questions ahead of time. We will hand select the ones that are appropriate, and they will be asked throughout this evening’s channel. Rachel Nez is a skilled shamanic practitioner. She has been channeling for over a decade, and has followed the mission and call of A New Earth Moment since its inception. She studied extensively with the Foundation for Shamanic studies and received training in soul retrieval from Sandra Ingerman. Rachel serves as a senior member of our core team.
    1 class, 1 hour long. 
  • The month of May is our annual community time of celebration and dedication of our Divine Mother.  Through the Mother, Nina offers a powerful opportunity for participants in this series to enter into communion with the Her sacred peace and grace, where the true source of wisdom and love resides.
    At this time on our planet, it is especially important to align ourselves with this Higher guidance to support us on how to properly navigate these treacherous times. We invite all who feel the desire to respond to the Mother’s call, especially at this particular point in time that is referred to as the “return of the Great Mother”.
    Throughout this series, you will receive meditations, channels and teachings that will help us to gain deeper understandings and personal experiences into Her alchemical wisdom and mysteries, as we learn how to bridge this guidance and Her presence into our daily lives. This is a unique offering that will be happening alongside the birth of our next level of The Rosary Project, as we prepare to bring our sacred rose beads to the world! This is an exciting and extensive next level to our project that involves the organization, structure and fine tuning of our prayerful products and Divine Mother messages, which we are diligently preparing to launch and serve on a greater level to humanity at large for transformational healing.
      3 class recordings, 3 hours
  • We invite you to join us for this special class, as together we receive a message from the Divine Mother, share in the medicine of the heart, and take in Her guidance and Spirit of peace during this radical, transformational time on the planet. This class will be led by Nina, and guided by the Mother. 1 class recording, 1 hour
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