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Legacy of Awareness Tele-Classes

  • This introduction to the wisdom teachings serves as an opening and a foundation for the Legacy of Awareness classes of A New Earth Movement. Nina guides us through basic principles that are used to navigate the mind and unravel conditioned patterns in order to transform and come to know ourselves more deeply. This series is highly recommended for those who want to go deep into the core principles of the teachings that serve us on this journey of awareness. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • A provocative class series that offers tools to help one navigate the inner makings of the mind that create unnecessary suffering and opposition to the truth.  Threaded through this unraveling process and transition into awareness, the individual is guided to align with elevated thinking and action in order to unify for the common good of thyself and humanity.  This series was recorded during the peak of the fire cycle of 2017 and inspired themed teachings related to the heightened light. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This Divine Mother class was inspired by the transmissions that came through the completion of the 2019 Rosary paste. Her Sacred law was made known throughout this class, which highlights the spirit of generosity, kindness, and our true nature of harmony. The call for the rise of peace for the Divine Mother initiates is a reminder to unify and carry the pillar of peace for the world, humanity, and for the children. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • Nina lays out an initiatory path in order to deepen our relationship and communion with the Divine Mother.  As a group we are led on an intimate journey through the power of prayer and share in Her most current sacred transmissions to guide us in how to grow and unite under Her tutelage. The Messages From the Divine Mother Introductory series is required before purchasing this series.

    2 class records, each one-hour long.

  • This class was inspired in the month of May 2019, where we gathered in community in devotion to the Divine Mother to receive Her messages.  The Heavenly realm acknowledges the efforts of prayer and devotion from the Divine Mother initiates.  Throughout this class, She brings countless messages of how to free fall out of our own selfishness, and enter into the vastness of Her mystery.  Her message to gaze up to the night sky, to let go, and to merge with the stars, will take you on the journey into the depths of Her great vast mystery. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • Nina guides us through a powerful process of connecting to the Divine Mother while sharing some of Her sacred messages to assist and support our personal and collective evolution. These classes are a great opportunity to come together in earnest seeking in order to be guided into communion and devotion to the Divine Mother. This deep journey introduces and initiates those who have responded to this call into Her sacred teachings and great mysteries. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This class opened with a meditation to ignite the postures of humility, stillness, and quietude in order to help us commune with the Holy Divine Mother. We were invited to remember that the Celestial Mother was with us at the time when we were in the womb of our birth mother, and how she is alive in the womb of our Mother Earth especially through the sacred waters.  The essence of the rose was weaved throughout this class to help us remember how to utilize this frequency and connect with the Divine Mother’s sacred fragrance & Celestial Love. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • This series is for those of us who have a desire to deepen our connection to the Divine Mother as well as with ourselves. Nina guides us through a powerful process of connecting to the Mother through guided meditations that expand our receptivity and deepen our relationship with Her. As we come together in earnest seeking to open deeper to Her love and grace we are guided into communion and learn how to bridge Her Presence into our daily lives. Through this series, Nina shares some of the Mother’s sacred messages to assist and support our personal and collective evolution. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • On this point, the culmination of light is at its most fierce peak; where the intensity of these times, the fire of our intent, as well as what is in opposition, is being illuminated. Through this class we will work to focus and infuse the light of this moment to facilitate the accomplishment of our original intent, as well as the completion of this 8-pointed cycle. In addition, traditionally, this is a time of celebration and gratitude for all we have accomplished and seen with our spiritual eyes through this journey.  This is an important closing class if you’ve been with us through this 8-pointed journey, and it is also encouraged for those who just want to drop in to learn how to work with the intensity of this moment for the benefit of our evolution. This is a powerful crescendo point to join together in a strong container filled with ancient wisdom and guidance. 1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • We enter into the 8th point on this year’s medicine wheel. Nina and Tudor lead us on a two-hour video ritual in honor of the Peak of the Fire, the 8th point where we celebrate in the height of the Light to actualize the crescendo point of our intent with gratitude. In addition, August 15th is the Feast of Assumption; a holy day that marks the occasion of our Divine Mother’s bodily ascent to heaven at the end of her earthly incarnation. In Her great honor, we align deeply with this portal and celebrate our Great Mother’s Ascension and tap into our individual opportunity to ascend to greater realms of Divinity within and all around us.
    2 class recordings, 1 hour each $50
  • During the Peak of the Fire’s Earth cycle, we meet the culmination of the light. This series is intended to support and utilize this time for personal transformation. We learn how to best align ourselves in a healthy way during the peak of the fire, as it illuminates our shadow aspect, as well as the light. This series addresses how we can walk through the fire and maintain our center even in times of heightened and polarized intensity. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This series continues to offer healthy transformational tools as we face not only the influx of light, but also the disturbances of the rising shadow both individually and collectively. In addition, this series guides us to the next phase of the Earth’s cycle into the time of the Fall Equinox, where we are consciously led how to plant a new seed of intent for the upcoming year. During this powerful time, we learn how to release what no longer serves and prepare ourselves with fresh energy and intent for our lives, and for the good of the whole. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
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