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Legacy of Awareness Tele-Classes

  • This special 90- minute class opens with a ritualized prayer in celebration of the Great Father Spirit. Nina offers messages from the Divine Father of how to embody this sacred communion and the language of Light. A thought provoking commentary on the balance of the masculine and feminine was discussed as well as how to fan the flame within of both the Father and the Mother. 1 class recording, ninety minutes long.
  • During this time as the veil is thin, we are guided to utilize this opportunity for our personal transformation. This series is dedicated to our Ancestors where we are led into connection with, and and reverence for them.  A variety of topics are threaded throughout that correlate to the connection with our spirit, with life, how to utilize death as an ally to embody love and how to connect with ourself and our loved ones in a healthy way. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This introduction to the wisdom teachings serves as an opening and a foundation for the Legacy of Awareness classes of A New Earth Movement. Nina guides us through basic principles that are used to navigate the mind and unravel conditioned patterns in order to transform and come to know ourselves more deeply. This series is highly recommended for those who want to go deep into the core principles of the teachings that serve us on this journey of awareness. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • The theme of this class is how to take higher ground as we are transitioning from this lower frequency into this new dimension. Nina opened this class with the importance of how to expand rather than contract during these times, and how to unplug from the distractions that confuse us. This class is a call to action to the many things we can do to assist ourselves to align in a healthful way during these times. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long.
  • A provocative class series that offers tools to help one navigate the inner makings of the mind that create unnecessary suffering and opposition to the truth.  Threaded through this unraveling process and transition into awareness, the individual is guided to align with elevated thinking and action in order to unify for the common good of thyself and humanity.  This series was recorded during the peak of the fire cycle of 2017 and inspired themed teachings related to the heightened light. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This Divine Mother class was inspired by the transmissions that came through the completion of the 2019 Rosary paste. Her Sacred law was made known throughout this class, which highlights the spirit of generosity, kindness, and our true nature of harmony. The call for the rise of peace for the Divine Mother initiates is a reminder to unify and carry the pillar of peace for the world, humanity, and for the children. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long. 1 class recording, one-hour long.
  • Nina lays out an initiatory path in order to deepen our relationship and communion with the Divine Mother.  As a group we are led on an intimate journey through the power of prayer and share in Her most current sacred transmissions to guide us in how to grow and unite under Her tutelage. The Messages From the Divine Mother Introductory series is required before purchasing this series.

    2 class records, each one-hour long.

  • Class 1 is in honor of the Summer Solstice, a powerful time on the Earth's cycle that reflects the mythological healing potential of the awakening consciousness individually and planetary. It is a time when the source of creation, the Sun, returns to its peak. This 60 minute class will allow us to go deeper in celebration of the Great Father, including a ritualized prayer meditation and a teaching from Nina. 
    During Class 2, we join together at a Power Spot Nina recently activated on her land upon our return this year from Teotihuacan. This Power Spot is infused with the force of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, the primordial reflection of God, and serves as a place for people to come and bask in the frequencies of golden light. Over the ages, there has been much misuse of power on our planet, and one of Nina’s most important works has been to bring in the higher vibrations of the imprint of divine light to be infused in the consciousness of humanity, as well as to restore the grids of light and upgrade the vibrational frequencies on our planet in order to anchor in the light and birth this new earth.  Nina choose this particularly auspicious day to bring people in person, as well as remotely, to this Power Spot, so as to experience an encounter with this power and divine light, to help in the raising of our consciousness and the unlocking of the codes of light within our being-ness, as well as anchor and share this light with the world through our unified intent. Nina offers transmissions, teachings and guided experiences during this ritual class, and she will be joined by Rachel who offers a channel from the Light Beings related to this topic.  2 class recordings, 3 hours total
  • On this point, the culmination of light is at its most fierce peak; where the intensity of these times, the fire of our intent, as well as what is in opposition, is being illuminated. Through this class we will work to focus and infuse the light of this moment to facilitate the accomplishment of our original intent, as well as the completion of this 8-pointed cycle. In addition, traditionally, this is a time of celebration and gratitude for all we have accomplished and seen with our spiritual eyes through this journey.  This is an important closing class if you’ve been with us through this 8-pointed journey, and it is also encouraged for those who just want to drop in to learn how to work with the intensity of this moment for the benefit of our evolution. This is a powerful crescendo point to join together in a strong container filled with ancient wisdom and guidance. 1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • We have arrived at the Spring Equinox, a moment of equal day and equal night. Here we have an opportunity to align with the inherent momentum of this blossoming light, rather than be diverted and persuaded by nefarious frequencies. Traditionally, the spring is the time when we wake up out of our hibernation, start to shake off the winter slumber, and move in the direction of the seeds we have planted in the fall. During this class, we will address how to best align with the particularities of this coming season, focus our intent on the resurfacing of the light, and let go of unhealthy patterns that keep us dwelling in the unconscious, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate throughout this sacred cycle. 1 class recording, 1 hour
  • This  offering is a new and exciting series to the community inspired by the Toltec wisdom found within Don Miguel Ruiz’s popular book, The Voice of Knowledge.
    Throughout this four class series, Nina focuses on 3 chapters a week from The Voice of Knowledge, while enhancing our understanding of these teachings and deepening our awareness into the study of thyself. Nina is a true Seer, a gift that she expresses and transmits to her students and the world, i.e. “seeing through the eyes of the Nagual”.
    This Toltec Wisdom Series is a powerful opportunity to gain wisdom and embody these ancient teachings with greater awareness; to learn how to make significant changes in our perception, and live rooted more in authenticity and purpose. Many simple, practical, yet profound tools will be illuminated, and will serve to enhance you along your path of transformation and the embodiment of your truest self.
    This series also bridged us into a very special, in-person ‘Toltec Wisdom Immersion’  guided by Nina in Northern Arizona over the Summer Solstice weekend. This immersion led us even deeper into the Toltec mysteries, as we joined together in this life changing and powerful field of awareness for teachings, transmissions, rituals, and more!
    Together we are building an elevated frequency and field of gifted seers in the world, to create a positive ripple for humanity’s shift in consciousness on our planet. We are calling all those who desire to expand in this field and co-create a New Earth!
    4 class recordings, 4 hours
  • In this six class series, we are guided into the Divine understanding of the origin and makings of the virtual reality, aka, the conditioned mind that stands in the way of our purest potential and implicitly, the fullest expression of our authentic selves.  In this series, we gradually and consistently grow into self-awareness and begin to understand the root causes of our individual and societal suffering. We are held in a container of Divine, ancient wisdom that reflects the deeper understandings of the truth of who we are, one that allows us to See our true Self through greater eyes of Divine awareness.  'The Wisdom Teachings Series' is an informative, powerful and introductory level course that paves the way for awareness and transformation. Additionally, this seriesis highly recommended for advanced students who wish to go to their next level of consciousness. This series is also a prerequisite for our Mentorship Program.  We are provided with life-long, foundational and practical tools that you will be able to access instantaneously in your life when faced with situations, conditions or relationships that require the highest possible perspective and resolve.  
    6 class recordings, 1 hour each 
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