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Legacy of Awareness Tele-Classes

  • Class 1 is in honor of the Summer Solstice, a powerful time on the Earth's cycle that reflects the mythological healing potential of the awakening consciousness individually and planetary. It is a time when the source of creation, the Sun, returns to its peak. This 60 minute class will allow us to go deeper in celebration of the Great Father, including a ritualized prayer meditation and a teaching from Nina. 
    During Class 2, we join together at a Power Spot Nina recently activated on her land upon our return this year from Teotihuacan. This Power Spot is infused with the force of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, the primordial reflection of God, and serves as a place for people to come and bask in the frequencies of golden light. Over the ages, there has been much misuse of power on our planet, and one of Nina’s most important works has been to bring in the higher vibrations of the imprint of divine light to be infused in the consciousness of humanity, as well as to restore the grids of light and upgrade the vibrational frequencies on our planet in order to anchor in the light and birth this new earth.  Nina choose this particularly auspicious day to bring people in person, as well as remotely, to this Power Spot, so as to experience an encounter with this power and divine light, to help in the raising of our consciousness and the unlocking of the codes of light within our being-ness, as well as anchor and share this light with the world through our unified intent. Nina offers transmissions, teachings and guided experiences during this ritual class, and she will be joined by Rachel who offers a channel from the Light Beings related to this topic.  2 class recordings, 3 hours total
  • This special offering will be filled with inspirational teachings and Divine transmissions about the vision behind A New Earth Movement. Within these teachings, we will enter into a portal of higher frequency together, to gain a deeper understanding of our purpose individually and collectively, and to access our divinity, ancient wisdom and inspiration. A New Earth Movement is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated and committed to increasing the awareness of humanity, as well as expediting the continuous development of our authentic true nature and soul consciousness. The goal of our Movement is to heal and empower individuals, strengthen families and communities, and ultimately restore balance, peace and harmony for our planet and the future generations to come. As we heal and grow together, we each gain the necessary awareness of how to  uniquely step forth into greater self-responsibility and purpose, and through that, we can truly understand how to be the change we wish to see during this great awakening. We invite all who feel the call to rise up in purpose and inspiration to join us for this 90 minute offering led by Nina Palmieri, Founder & Visionary of A New Earth Movement. She will also be joined by Co-Founder Tudor Marinescu, who will discuss the importance of ANEM's mission and vision, & ANEM Elder Rachel Nez, who will offer a channel from the Light Beings to bring in a message for ANEM, and for how we can all access deeper purpose and embodied alignment during these transformational times. This offering truly serves as an activation for all who participate, as together we create A New Earth Movement!

    This is class was offered within our Third Annual Donations Campaign, and all proceeds go towards the continued growth and prosperity of our Movement.

    1 class recording, 1.5 hours total
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