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All ANEM Tele-Classes

  • Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this class, we will continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come.  This class not only focuses on the power of intent, but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will be tilling the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds and preparing the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. 1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox, when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this series, we continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will be tilling the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds, and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. This will be a two-hour live video ritual to receive teachings, tools and to consecrate and align with the power of this cycle in order to manifest our pure potential. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in teaching this series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • We find ourselves again at the beginning of our Earth Cycle calendar, the Fall Equinox, where we have an opportunity to begin anew. Here we start to navigate the map of our inner landscape, utilizing the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent, while also addressing the obstacles that hinder us along the way. During this class led by Nina, we start to till the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. A year-long journey begins now, and we invite you to take this first step with us, as together, we unlock the ancient mysteries within and all-around.  1 class recording, 1 hour  
  • During this time as the veil is thin, we are guided to utilize this opportunity for our personal transformation. This series is dedicated to our Ancestors where we are led into connection with, and and reverence for them.  A variety of topics are threaded throughout that correlate to the connection with our spirit, with life, how to utilize death as an ally to embody love and how to connect with ourself and our loved ones in a healthy way. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • This series takes place during May, the Month of the Mother. You are invited to join in a deep immersion into communion with the Divine Holy Mother. During this special tele-series, you have the opportunity to enter into a portal of Her sacred mysteries. Through our Mother's Holy guidance, we receive transmissions through Nina as well as meditations, channels and teachings that will help you to gain deeper understandings and personal experiences into Her alchemical wisdom. During this special series, Rachel joins us and offers a channel from the Light Beings in honor of our Mother and the Legacy of Peace.  This series is open to the public, as well as for all who feel the desire to respond to Her call, especially at this particular point in time that is referred to as the “return of the Great Mother”. We are highly recommending and encouraging our Divine Mother Initiates to participate in this series in order to exponentially grow in relationship with Her and expand into a deeper devotional experience, communion and Love with Her. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each
  • The month of May is our annual community time of celebration and dedication of our Divine Mother.  Through the Mother, Nina offers a powerful opportunity for participants in this series to enter into communion with the Her sacred peace and grace, where the true source of wisdom and love resides.
    At this time on our planet, it is especially important to align ourselves with this Higher guidance to support us on how to properly navigate these treacherous times. We invite all who feel the desire to respond to the Mother’s call, especially at this particular point in time that is referred to as the “return of the Great Mother”.
    Throughout this series, you will receive meditations, channels and teachings that will help us to gain deeper understandings and personal experiences into Her alchemical wisdom and mysteries, as we learn how to bridge this guidance and Her presence into our daily lives. This is a unique offering that will be happening alongside the birth of our next level of The Rosary Project, as we prepare to bring our sacred rose beads to the world! This is an exciting and extensive next level to our project that involves the organization, structure and fine tuning of our prayerful products and Divine Mother messages, which we are diligently preparing to launch and serve on a greater level to humanity at large for transformational healing.
      3 class recordings, 3 hours
  • During the month of May, we entered a deep experiential immersion into communion with the Divine Mother. This series offers a comprehensive program where you will have the opportunity to enter into a portal of Her sacred mysteries. Through messages, meditations, and teachings you will gain deeper understandings and personal experiences into Her alchemical wisdom. This immersion intensive is open to for all who feel the desire to respond to Her call, especially at this particular point in time that is referred to as the “Return of the Great Mother”. We highly recommend participating in this immersion intensive in order to exponentially grow in relationship with the Divine Mother and expand into a deeper devotional experience, communion and Love with Her. 6 class recordings, 1 hour each long (the last class is discounted for poor quality recording)
  • This special 90- minute class opens with a ritualized prayer in celebration of the Great Father Spirit. Nina offers messages from the Divine Father of how to embody this sacred communion and the language of Light. A thought provoking commentary on the balance of the masculine and feminine was discussed as well as how to fan the flame within of both the Father and the Mother. 1 class recording, ninety minutes long.
  • As we approach the Fall Equinox, a time of new beginnings and fresh intent, let us enhance and fortify this time by also connecting in with the new moon cycle that encapsulates this sacred moment. The new moon day is of great importance, as the dark sky is like a blank slate, creating the space for us to get quiet, let go of the previous cycle and realign with our intent. By bringing our awareness to this auspicious day, we can learn how to direct our attention towards what we want to focus on during the next lunar cycle, as well as what seeds of intent we will plant on the Fall Equinox. As the Moon represents the mind, we will also utilize this evening to connect in with the higher frequencies of lunar energy- so as to purify and calm our mental and emotional bodies in order to align even more deeply.  During this class, Alix will offer teachings and tools for how to work with the energy of the moon, as well as offer guidance based in Vedic Wisdom to personally connect us with the frequencies of this particular new moon, which falls a week prior to the Fall Equinox. Alix Claman is a practicing Vedic Astrologer, an ANEM Advanced Mentor, long time apprentice of Nina Palmieri and the Director of Operations for A New Earth Movement.  1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • The full moon, or Purnima in Sanskrit, represents a time of illumination and an upsurge of energy. Much can be revealed when the sun and moon are opposite in the sky, as the direct light of the sun amplifies and enhances the awareness of the moon, the planet of our mind and psychological landscape.
    During this class, which took place on the full moon, we utilize this upsurge of energy to enhance our spiritual awareness, as well as discuss how to work with the powerful frequencies of the full moon each month to enliven our connection to the cosmic vibrations.
    Alix will also share about the particular full moon during this class, as it was the midway point for the new moon cycle that began with a total solar eclipse, and also marks the end of a Mercury retrograde cycle. At the end of our class, participants are encouraged to ask questions, and share about their experiences with these recent planetary movements.
    Alix Claman has been a practicing Vedic Astrologer since 2016, a student of Nina Palmieri since 2013 and the Director of Operations for A New Earth Movement since its inception. 
    1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • Through this series, Nina opens a pathway designed to support the integration of deep spiritual transformation.  We begin with an understanding of how to find our center and how to be our own greatest ally throughout this process.  We discuss the many different ways that our fears creep in and work to prevent us from our freedom.  From there, we open to the awareness of how to allow the Divine to be our guide, as well as how to form a healthy relationship with our own transformation. This class series was inspired upon our return from our annual Power Journey, to offer tools and community participation that assist in the integration process.  This is one of our most popular series geared to assist you to bridge transformations into everyday living. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • The month of May is the time of celebration for the Mother and we invite you to join us in this tribute, where we will dive deeply into the Divine Mother’s sacred mysteries through channeled messages, and celebrate with song and prayer. The first class recording is our monthly, hour- long transmission from the Divine Mother through Nina and in the second, we have a two hour ritual in Her honor, where we will also pay tribute to the Legacy of Peace and our sacred Rosary Project. This community inspired event is for us to join together, receive Her universal message and unite the people with One Heart to remember, to restore faith and to become a channel of Her love and peace, individually and collectively, and to share Her message with the world. Dr. Tudor, Rachel and our main crew will be joining Nina in this beautiful offering nge. 1 class, 1-hour long & 1 ritual, 2-hours long
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