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All ANEM Tele-Classes

  • The opening message of the Divine Mother was an invitation for us to remember our Divinity. As she has stated many times before, we are in the return of the Great Mother where we are in need of embodying the feminine principles of the Divine. The mother walked us through a mediation to open up into a receptive state, to alchemize all the obstructions that have presented us from knowing and embodying the inherent love within.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • Core ANEM team member Rachel Nez leads us in a channeled message, to inspire hope for humanity at this time. 1-hour long
  • This Divine Mother drop in class takes place on the auspicious day of Yemanja, Queen of the Sea; Mother of creation and also falls on one of the key points of the 8 pointed star medicine wheel.  This point is the halfway mark between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox; a time where we are focused on waking up.  The Divine Mother guides us into the deep well of wisdom through a guided meditation where we connect with the celestial rays of Her light and work to germinate the seeds of our consciousness as well as all of Creation to spread this light far and wide. Our Sacred Mother gives messages about our fear of Love, and how we can better serve our sacred children at this time on our planet.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • Rachel leads us on a Shamanic drumming journey, where we will travel into the realms of non-ordinary reality to receive empowerment for this new year ahead. This shamanic journey also allows us the opportunity to connect with the upper celestial world to access guidance and healing for these times.
    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • This evening, the Divine Mother guided us to be held and rocked in her arms where we were able to release and dissolve the negative interference and attachments.  In doing so we were able to open up to and highlight the connection between Her heart and ours which is held together by a cosmic cell.  We were invited to revisit Her sacred messages and create a practice that helps us to embody peace during this times of chaos, to strengthen our spiritual fiber and ward off the negative invaders and thought forms through our shields of light.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • Tonight's Divine Mother class was on the day of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as well as of the week of our Lady of Guadalupe’s celebration. We opened this class in acknowledgement of the many ways in which our Celestial Mother has blessed humanity with Her immaculate Love. Tonight’s highlighted message from the Mother was the importance to work to step out of the murky waters of the individual and collective negativity that is trying to keep us from the victory of the light.  The Mother invited us to remember that we are flowers, and examine what properties are necessary in our spiritual garden in order for our internal flower to bloom. We were encouraged, once again to find faith in the Divine in order to elevate our consciousness during such a dark time on our planet.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • Core ANEM team member Rachel Nez leads us in a channeled message, to inspire hope for humanity at this time. 1-hour long
  • The Mother spoke about this being the darkest hour, and in the darkest hours there is often temptation that tries to prevent us from the light. She speaks of the importance of claiming the light and being a true believer, where we can illuminate an inner vigil of love and light and carry this frequency towards the world at this time, casting out the darkness.

    1 class, 1-hour long.

  • Rachel leads us on a Shamanic drumming journey, where we travel into the realms of non-ordinary reality to discover more about ourselves. This shamanic journey also allows us the opportunity to connect with our helping spirts to access guidance and healing for these times.
    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • Dr. Tudor will takes us on a journey as he alchemizes historical perspectives and indigenous prophecy in the contemporary times. Join this one hour class where we will explore how to integrate tradition in our modern lives.
    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • In tonight’s message from the Divine Mother, She brings attention to the escalation of the division of the world and the importance for us to tap into the medicine of the heart. We were brought on a journey to go underneath the despair from the illusion of our separation and to bring love to resuscitate the truth of who we are.

    1 class, 1-hour long.
  • Rachel opens this evening by getting us into a state of receptivity and takes some time to discuss the channel and all that it entails. Nina interviews Rachel with the questions the community members submit ahead of time. This will be a new ongoing offering to our community, and we encourage those who are interested to join this opening channel to learn about the origin of these transmissions and to receive the current messages for this time. 1-hour long
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