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  • Pathways to Personal Evolution and Realigning with Universal Law

    This featured series is dedicated to the Twelve Principles & Alchemical Teachings of A New Earth Movement.  Our twelve principles make up the foundation of our Movement and serve as pathways that lead to the awakening, spiritual evolution and ultimately self-realization; a conscious state of Oneness with the Divine. Each principle is an entity in and of itself that serve as an evolutionary process towards the embodiment of Love and realignment with Universal law. This tele-class series is filled with sacred teachings, transmissions and insights from Nina and Tudor about how to apply, embody and uphold these principles into our lives individually as well as in community. 6 class recordings, two ninety minutes long and four one-hour long.
  • Winter Solstice Essence


    Birth of Light, Pineal Awakening

    Ingredients:  Essence of Redwood cone in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Winter Solstice marks the darkest time of the Earth’s cycle.  It is from this darkness that the Light is born. With all of our attention, we go into this void and invoke the birth of the light. This essence is infused with pine cones, as they symbolize the pineal gland or the seed of our inner light. This essence is intended to spark the birth of light within. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles.
  • As this marks an especially monumental moment on our planet, we announce our Winter Solstice tele-class series.  Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light.  It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light.  As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Let's step into the dark and birth the light together in this 2 hour video ritual, where we will align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light.  It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Step into the Dark and Birth the Light in this two class series where we align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series.
    3 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • We enter this powerful gateway of the Winter Solstice. Nina shares transmissions and sacred teaching about this portal as well as guides us into the stillness inside of our beings to work to birth the light individually and collectively. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons and insights that await us.
    1 class, 1 hour long. 
  • In this six class series, we are guided into the Divine understanding of the origin and makings of the virtual reality, aka, the conditioned mind that stands in the way of our purest potential and implicitly, the fullest expression of our authentic selves.  In this series, we gradually and consistently grow into self-awareness and begin to understand the root causes of our individual and societal suffering. We are held in a container of Divine, ancient wisdom that reflects the deeper understandings of the truth of who we are, one that allows us to See our true Self through greater eyes of Divine awareness.  'The Wisdom Teachings Series' is an informative, powerful and introductory level course that paves the way for awareness and transformation. Additionally, this seriesis highly recommended for advanced students who wish to go to their next level of consciousness. This series is also a prerequisite for our Mentorship Program.  We are provided with life-long, foundational and practical tools that you will be able to access instantaneously in your life when faced with situations, conditions or relationships that require the highest possible perspective and resolve.  
    6 class recordings, 1 hour each 
  • Notoriously, our culture and conditioning has led us to believe that we have to look outside of ourselves in order to encounter love. This is the furthest thing from the truth, and this belief is exponentially expressed and commercialized on the popular American holiday of Valentine's Day. In the spirit of this time, and in honor of our true selves, Nina offers a special 90 minute class filled with sacred wisdom to help us come into right relationship and connect to the source of Divine Love and Truth. As we uncover the very things that stand in the way of the truth of Love and our truest self, we will learn how to identify fear-based beliefs and reinforce simple and powerful ways to change our conditioned patterns. This class involves teachings, transmissions and a guided meditation, and is designed for us to embark on an inner journey to develop self-love, self-respect and learn how to become a great ally to thyself with respect to the topic of Love.  Nina's sacred teachings on self-love are not to be missed, she shares from a place of authenticity, and transmits a frequency of love that carries forth a pure and deep reflection.  1 class recording, 1.5 hour
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