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  • Light Germination Essence


    Growth & Fortification

    Ingredients:  Essence of Bay Laurel buds in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. As the first shoots of spring push through the ground, this symbolizes the beginning of increasing light and growth. At this time, we pray to the collective spirit of life in order to help the growing process flourish in a positive direction. This essence is made with tiny buds of spring that carry life’s purest potential after the dark of winter. The intent is to invoke the power of increasing light, and to fortify the growing process. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles.
  • Winter Solstice Essence


    Birth of Light, Pineal Awakening

    Ingredients:  Essence of Redwood cone in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Winter Solstice marks the darkest time of the Earth’s cycle.  It is from this darkness that the Light is born. With all of our attention, we go into this void and invoke the birth of the light. This essence is infused with pine cones, as they symbolize the pineal gland or the seed of our inner light. This essence is intended to spark the birth of light within. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles.
  • Eternal Life Essence


    Connection to Ancestors & Spiritual Realms

    Ingredients:  Essence of Granite in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During this earth cycle the veil is the thinnest, where there is a more direct access to our ancestors and the spiritual realms. We gathered rocks around the perimeter of our Ancestor’s ceremony for this specific essence, as rocks represent the ancient grandmothers and grandfathers, our ancestors. The intent infused in this essence is to invoke the knowing that there is no such thing as death, only eternal life. The Eternal Life Essence is intended to enhance a more direct communication with our Ancestors and the Spiritual realms. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles.
  • Fall Equinox Essence


    Clear Intent & Manifestation

    Ingredients:  Essence of Oak Tree acorns in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Autumn Equinox marks the first key point of the Earth’s year cycle, a time of a new beginning. This is the time where we aim for clarity on what we want to nourish and what we want to let go of. This essence is made with the sacred Acorn, symbolizing the seed of intent for the upcoming New Year and the nourishment necessary to bring this intent into manifestation. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles.
  • Father Creator Essence


    “I Am that I Am,” Connection to the Light

    Ingredients:  Essence of Citrine in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. This sacred essence is made at a time at the height of the Sun. At this time nature is reflecting what is already true, that we are not separate from Our Father Creator and that we are the I Am presence.  Lightning infused citrine is used, that was found in the mountains of Arizona during the Summer Solstice time, and symbolizes the highest frequency of connection to this light. This essence is intended to bring you home to your oneness of communion with our Father Creator. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles.
  • Divine Mother Essence


    Peace, Receptivity, Unconditional Love

    Ingredients:  Essence of Red Rose flower in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During our devotional service to the Divine Holy Mother we create an essence in Her honor. We sing and pray with red rose petals in pure water to infuse the essence with intent, and to amplify Her sacred properties. This essence is intended to bring you home to the embodiment of Her frequency, and receive Her gifts of purity, peace, receptivity and the sweetness of unconditional love. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles.
  • Ancient Beauty Essence


    Restoration of Inherent Beauty

    Ingredients:  Essence of Mexican Sagebrush flowering herb in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. This ancient Beauty essence was made with Mexican Sage leaf and flower after a message came through the plant in-dicating its ancient beauty secrets that it carries. On a sacred fall weekend, women gathered to pray and invoke innate ancient wisdom and the return of the sacred feminine connection. Together with this essence, we prayed around the fire and full moon to invoke and restore the depths of the the ancient secrets to our beauty inside and out. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles.
  • We enter into the 8th point on this year’s medicine wheel. Nina and Tudor lead us on a two-hour video ritual in honor of the Peak of the Fire, the 8th point where we celebrate in the height of the Light to actualize the crescendo point of our intent with gratitude. In addition, August 15th is the Feast of Assumption; a holy day that marks the occasion of our Divine Mother’s bodily ascent to heaven at the end of her earthly incarnation. In Her great honor, we align deeply with this portal and celebrate our Great Mother’s Ascension and tap into our individual opportunity to ascend to greater realms of Divinity within and all around us.
    2 class recordings, 1 hour each $50
  • Join us in our medicinal herb garden in Cornville! This is a live class that can be attended in person or virtually over Zoom. During this 2 hour class, we will dive into and explore plant spirit medicine, and how to cultivate and awaken a deeper connection with the plant kingdom in our daily lives. This is a continuation of our Fall Equinox class, and will be an active exploration of how to work with the spirits of medicinal herbs, flowers and the tree nation to accentuate and amplify the seeds of intent we are planting in our inner world.  This class will be facilitated by Nina Palmieri, Rachel Nez and Monika Szrek. ANEM’s founder Nina Palmieri and ANEM elder Rachel Nez will discuss and guide us into communion with plant spirit medicine wisdom and open us up to the magic of mother nature. Herbalist and Legacy of Intent’s key member, Monika Szrek, will guide our group in connecting with a specific plant of your resonance in our gardens, or somewhere in your landscape if you are joining via Zoom. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their personal means of relating with the living plant kingdom, as well as make a personal plant or flower essence to take home, encapsulating a message you receive to work with.  There will be a tutorial on how to create a power essence, alongside teachings of how to work with the plant kingdom and essences, and how to incorporate them into a personal practice. Whether you participate live or through Zoom, you will leave with your own personal plant essence to work with throughout the next year’s Earth Cycle. 1 class recording, 2 hours total
  • We are swiftly approaching the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. This marks a sacred point on the medicine wheel, and ancient wisdom explains that at this particular time the veil between worlds is the most thin and it provides us with the great opportunity to wake up and deepen our connection to our Ancestors, Ancestral Healing and our Spiritual Helpers.   During this class, we will walk through a journey to connect with our ancestors, as well as to be liberated from the ancestral patterns that hold us back. We are inviting those who desire to utilize this built-in portal and align with Higher Wisdom for the benefit of our healing and spiritual growth to join us for this offering.  1 class recording, 1 hours total
  • This class takes place during the Spring Equinox, a moment of equal day and equal night. Here we have an opportunity to align with the inherent momentum of blossoming light, rather than be diverted and persuaded by nefarious frequencies.

    Traditionally, the spring is a time of renewal when we wake up out of our hibernation, start to shake off the winter slumber, and move in the direction of the seeds we have planted in the fall.

    During this class, Nina addresses how to best align with the particularities of this coming season, focus our intent on the resurfacing of the light, and let go of unhealthy patterns that keep us dwelling in the unconscious, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate throughout this sacred cycle.

    1 class recording, 1 hour total
  • This class took place on May 1st, 2024. Nina offers this special class to bring forth the fertile light that is connected to this sacred point on the medicine wheel, the midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, where life is alive and blooming.
    We can smell the perfume of fertility in the air and see the rainbow spectrum of flowers bursting forth, sharing their beauty with us. As we are also Nature, we too are blossoming forth our intentions and beginning to see a sneak peak of the fruits of our labor.
    During this 1 hour audio class, we utilize our intent and the truthful essence of this point on the medicine wheel to foster the aspects of our inner garden that are ready to bloom into fullest manifestation, so that we can share our unique creations and messages of love with the world for the benefit of All of Creation.
    1 class recording, 1 hour total
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