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  • During the month of May, we entered a deep experiential immersion into communion with the Divine Mother. This series offers a comprehensive program where you will have the opportunity to enter into a portal of Her sacred mysteries. Through messages, meditations, and teachings you will gain deeper understandings and personal experiences into Her alchemical wisdom. This immersion intensive is open to for all who feel the desire to respond to Her call, especially at this particular point in time that is referred to as the “Return of the Great Mother”. We highly recommend participating in this immersion intensive in order to exponentially grow in relationship with the Divine Mother and expand into a deeper devotional experience, communion and Love with Her. 6 class recordings, 1 hour each long (the last class is discounted for poor quality recording)
  • The Mother greets us in this very important moment to deliver the message that there is no greater time than now to put our faith in the Divine. One of Her messages is to hold onto your rosary, as we are invited to dig deeper into communion with the sacred mystery of the Divine Mother. This is the thing that will carry us through the dark moments to elevate us into the light. Price reduced 25%. Was $25, now $18.75. 1 class, 1-hour long.
  • In this class series we dive deep into the purification of the four bodies; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and join with our intent together to work to cleanse our body systems and to purify and align with our highest wellness. On this journey, we identify our patterns and attachments that hinder our wellness, along with learning how to work as an ally to meet our goals and enter into an opportunity to heal the four bodies in order to rebirth the light and purest potential within ourselves. We dedicate each one hour class to one of our respective bodies (as well as an intro & closing class) and enter into an intensive teaching with respect to purification; and get to know the ways in which we can grow and align to best support this particular body for the acceleration of our awakening and well-being. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • As we are faced with these turbulent times of the present Global crisis, it is important to be able to navigate and find our truth rather than to be persuaded by the voice of collective fear. For those that feel the deep calling to respond, it takes awareness, discipline, and right action to be able to utilize this time in a constructive way for our individual and collective spiritual growth and evolution. This series offers tools and practices that guide us to access our inner self and seize the Light. Through deep silence and other guided exercises we will work to connect with our intuition/inner voice to facilitate the spark of transformation and creativity, and midwife our highest self, in order to keep us connected with the grid of light, and thus in positivity and right perception for the benefit of all. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • We are entering the spring equinox at this auspicious time where the light and the dark are equal. Our focus for this class is on what it is we desire to birth rather than to reinforce the things that are dying. At this time, we have to be vigilant and take good care and attention in our life on all levels, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate. We were invited to really affirm our faith in the light. 1 class recording,  one-hour long.
  • This three week series is designed to address the many pathways that can support our spiritual evolution, as well as to help us identify what it means to be in an awakening process, especially at this time on our planet. We discuss the obstacles and opportunities that arise along the way, and how to be in partnership with this process in order to cross over into another state of consciousness with grace, ease and awareness. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long. Dates: Jan. 22, 2020- Feb 5th 2020
  • As we are approaching the gateway to the sacred winter, there is a doorway that leads to the depth of the great mystery. It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light of our becoming. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us in the midst of our encounter with the great mystery. Through this class series, we will learn how to enter the stillness of the dark with awareness, in order to awaken to the power and peace that resides within us that can support our evolution, as well as utilize this opportunity to positively assist us during these transformational times. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • Nina guides us through a powerful process of connecting to the Divine Mother while sharing some of Her sacred messages to assist and support our personal and collective evolution. These classes are a great opportunity to come together in earnest seeking in order to be guided into communion and devotion to the Divine Mother. This deep journey introduces and initiates those who have responded to this call into Her sacred teachings and great mysteries. 1-hour class recording
  • The theme of this class is how to take higher ground as we are transitioning from this lower frequency into this new dimension. Nina opened this class with the importance of how to expand rather than contract during these times, and how to unplug from the distractions that confuse us. This class is a call to action to the many things we can do to assist ourselves to align in a healthful way during these times. 1 class recording, sixty minutes long.
  • Pathways to Personal Evolution and Realigning with Universal Law

    This featured series is dedicated to the Twelve Principles & Alchemical Teachings of A New Earth Movement.  Our twelve principles make up the foundation of our Movement and serve as pathways that lead to the awakening, spiritual evolution and ultimately self-realization; a conscious state of Oneness with the Divine. Each principle is an entity in and of itself that serve as an evolutionary process towards the embodiment of Love and realignment with Universal law. This tele-class series is filled with sacred teachings, transmissions and insights from Nina and Tudor about how to apply, embody and uphold these principles into our lives individually as well as in community. 6 class recordings, two ninety minutes long and four one-hour long.
  • Through this series, Nina opens a pathway designed to support the integration of deep spiritual transformation.  We begin with an understanding of how to find our center and how to be our own greatest ally throughout this process.  We discuss the many different ways that our fears creep in and work to prevent us from our freedom.  From there, we open to the awareness of how to allow the Divine to be our guide, as well as how to form a healthy relationship with our own transformation. This class series was inspired upon our return from our annual Power Journey, to offer tools and community participation that assist in the integration process.  This is one of our most popular series geared to assist you to bridge transformations into everyday living. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • Filled with inspiration and life changing perspectives, this is an invitation into the depths of oneself in relationship to Love.  Throughout this series, many opportunities are provided to gain awareness of the false concepts of love while consistently reinforcing simple and powerful ways to change our conditioned patterns and how to align with a greater knowing and connection to the source of Divine love and truth.  Through compassion, gentleness, sound guidance and awareness, Nina walks you through a beautiful journey to uncover the Inner Beloved as well as how to truly love yourself. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
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