As we enter the season of the Summer Solstice, this mini-series is dedicated to the Return of the Light. In aligning with this main point on the sacred wheel of the Earth cycle we have the opportunity to awaken even deeper to the truth and light of our inherent divinity. In this heightened time of crisis on our planet as all structures of the “known” are crumbling down, it is of utmost importance to explore and work with the energy of this time in order to manifest our highest healing and creative potential.
All teachings and transmissions are designed for you to raise your awareness and consciousness, as well as to alchemize your fears and resistances in order to ascend to this high moment of pure potential.
We offer teachings and transmissions on this cycle and how to align ourselves with the return of the light, to utilize the peak of the light for ourselves individually through spirit guided teachings and rituals. Dr. Tudor will be joining Nina in teaching this series.
3 class recordings, 1 hour each
Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox, when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this series, we continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will be tilling the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds, and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. This will be a two-hour live video ritual to receive teachings, tools and to consecrate and align with the power of this cycle in order to manifest our pure potential. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in teaching this series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each
As this marks an especially monumental moment on our planet, we announce our Winter Solstice tele-class series. Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light. It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Let's step into the dark and birth the light together in this 2 hour video ritual, where we will align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each
Class 1 is in honor of the Summer Solstice, a powerful time on the Earth's cycle that reflects the mythological healing potential of the awakening consciousness individually and planetary. It is a time when the source of creation, the Sun, returns to its peak. This 60 minute class will allow us to go deeper in celebration of the Great Father, including a ritu
alized prayer meditation and a teaching from Nina. During Class 2, we join together at a Power Spot Nina recently activated on her land upon our return this year from Teotihuacan. This Power Spot is infused with the force of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, the primordial reflection of God, and serves as a place for people to come and bask in the frequencies of golden light. Over the ages, there has been much misuse of power on our planet, and one of Nina’s most important works has been to bring in the higher vibrations of the imprint of divine light to be infused in the consciousness of humanity, as well as to restore the grids of light and upgrade the vibrational frequencies on our planet in order to anchor in the light and birth this new earth. Nina choose this particularly auspicious day to bring people in person, as well as remotely, to this Power Spot, so as to experience an encounter with this power and divine light, to help in the raising of our consciousness and the unlocking of the codes of light within our being-ness, as well as anchor and share this light with the world through our unified intent. Nina offers transmissions, teachings and guided experiences during this ritual class, and she will be joined by Rachel who offers a channel from the Light Beings related to this topic. 2 class recordings, 3 hours total -
As we approach this new calendar year, we all can feel the impetus for great change. During this special 90 minute class, Nina offers teachings, transmissions and a guided meditation to facilitate an upgrade in frequencies, helping us to align and work with the powers of intent and action for a positive, transformational upcoming year.This New Year's class is filled with subtle, yet profound perspective shifts and lifestyle changes to assist you in meeting your new goals for happiness and health. The power and makings of prayer and intention are addressed, and we also explore all of the necessary ingredients and hindrances that stand in the way of accomplishing them. The result will be to create a successful plan to align ourselves with Creator's Will for us.
As we enter the season of the Summer Solstice, this mini-series is dedicated to the Return of the Light. In aligning with this main point on the sacred wheel of the Earth cycles, we have the opportunity to awaken even deeper to the truth and light of our inherent divinity. In this heightened time of crisis on our planet as all structures of the “known” are crumbling down, it is of utmost importance to explore and work with the energy of this time in order to manifest our highest healing and creative potential. Tudor and Nina both teach on this series. 3 class series, 1-2 hours each
Divine Mother Essence Peace, Receptivity, Unconditional Love
Ingredients: Essence of Red Rose flower in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During our devotional service to the Divine Holy Mother we create an essence in Her honor. We sing and pray with red rose petals in pure water to infuse the essence with intent, and to amplify Her sacred properties. This essence is intended to bring you home to the embodiment of Her frequency, and receive Her gifts of purity, peace, receptivity and the sweetness of unconditional love.Father Creator Essence “I Am that I Am,” Connection to the Light
Ingredients: Essence of Citrine in a base of purified water, brandy and vegetable glycerin to preserve freshness. This sacred essence is made at a time at the height of the Sun. At this time nature is reflecting what is already true, that we are not separate from Our Father Creator and that we are the I Am presence. Lightning infused citrine is used, that was found in the mountains of Arizona during the Summer Solstice time, and symbolizes the highest frequency of connection to this light. This essence is intended to bring you home to your oneness of communion with our Father Creator. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottle sets. -
As we are faced with these turbulent times of the present Global crisis, it is important to be able to navigate and find our truth rather than to be persuaded by the voice of collective fear. For those that feel the deep calling to respond, it takes awareness, discipline, and right action to be able to utilize this time in a constructive way for our individual and collective spiritual growth and evolution. This series offers tools and practices that guide us to access our inner self and seize the Light. Through deep silence and other guided exercises we will work to connect with our intuition/inner voice to facilitate the spark of transformation and creativity, and midwife our highest self, in order to keep us connected with the grid of light, and thus in positivity and right perception for the benefit of all. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
The ‘Peak of the Fire’ is the time to celebrate the culmination of the light and the completion of this years cycle. During this tumultuous time on our planet, as the old system is crumbling, we learn how to create a powerful shield of light and rebuild our strength and inner power in order to step into these new times and own the Divinity that we truly are. Through this series, we work to align with the light and receive transmissions that are relevant to this present moment, in order to help us to navigate these sacred times and learn how to utilize the light for the good of all. Guided mediations and exercises are offered to elevate our consciousness and to intercede with light on the planet, both on a personal and collective level. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this series, we continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will till the soil of our psyche, identify and remove the “misleading” weeds and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in teaching this series. 3 Class Recordings, 1-2 hours each