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Legacy of Awareness Tele-Classes

  • This series continues to offer healthy transformational tools as we face not only the influx of light, but also the disturbances of the rising shadow both individually and collectively. In addition, this series guides us to the next phase of the Earth’s cycle into the time of the Fall Equinox, where we are consciously led how to plant a new seed of intent for the upcoming year. During this powerful time, we learn how to release what no longer serves and prepare ourselves with fresh energy and intent for our lives, and for the good of the whole. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • During the Peak of the Fire’s Earth cycle, we meet the culmination of the light. This series is intended to support and utilize this time for personal transformation. We learn how to best align ourselves in a healthy way during the peak of the fire, as it illuminates our shadow aspect, as well as the light. This series addresses how we can walk through the fire and maintain our center even in times of heightened and polarized intensity. 3 class recordings, each one-hour long.
  • Nina lays out an initiatory path in order to deepen our relationship and communion with the Divine Mother.  As a group we are led on an intimate journey through the power of prayer and share in Her most current sacred transmissions to guide us in how to grow and unite under Her tutelage. The Messages From the Divine Mother Introductory series is required before purchasing this series.

    2 class records, each one-hour long.

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