Rachel opens this evening by getting us into a state of receptivity and takes some time to discuss the channel and all that it entails. Nina interviews Rachel with the questions the community members submit ahead of time. This will be a new ongoing offering to our community, and we encourage those who are interested to join this opening channel to learn about the origin of these transmissions and to receive the current messages for this time. 1-hour long
The ‘Peak of the Fire’ is the time to celebrate the culmination of the light and the completion of this years cycle. During this tumultuous time on our planet, as the old system is crumbling, we learn how to create a powerful shield of light and rebuild our strength and inner power in order to step into these new times and own the Divinity that we truly are. Through this series, we work to align with the light and receive transmissions that are relevant to this present moment, in order to help us to navigate these sacred times and learn how to utilize the light for the good of all. Guided mediations and exercises are offered to elevate our consciousness and to intercede with light on the planet, both on a personal and collective level. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
Many ANEM apprentices and class participants have expressed an interest in learning how to become a mentor. The main requirement for one to become a good mentor resides in having been able to successfully and satisfactorily graduate and integrate personal life lessons and experiences and feel the calling to assist somebody else to achieve the same.The primary theme of our mentorship program is how to become your own coach in your personal development and healing process, while simultaneously develop the necessary insights to assist others wisely through their own growth and healing journey. This introductory 4 class series is a prerequisite for our Mentorship program and will help to address the underlying foundational topics of our full mentorship program. Nina will introduce the basic necessary teachings for this path that will guide us through a journey of self study to better prepare one’s internal landscape for mentorship, as well as gain a deeper understanding of themselves and what is necessary in order to mentor someone at the soul level. Upon completion of this introductory series, one will have gained the necessary understanding of the Mentorship Program and can better assess if they want to dive deeper into the mastery of soul level mentorship. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
As we enter the season of the Summer Solstice, this mini-series is dedicated to the Return of the Light. In aligning with this main point on the sacred wheel of the Earth cycles, we have the opportunity to awaken even deeper to the truth and light of our inherent divinity. In this heightened time of crisis on our planet as all structures of the “known” are crumbling down, it is of utmost importance to explore and work with the energy of this time in order to manifest our highest healing and creative potential. Tudor and Nina both teach on this series. 3 class series, 1-2 hours each
In this class series we dive deep into the purification of the four bodies; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and join with our intent together to work to cleanse our body systems and to purify and align with our highest wellness. On this journey, we identify our patterns and attachments that hinder our wellness, along with learning how to work as an ally to meet our goals and enter into an opportunity to heal the four bodies in order to rebirth the light and purest potential within ourselves. We dedicate each one hour class to one of our respective bodies (as well as an intro & closing class) and enter into an intensive teaching with respect to purification; and get to know the ways in which we can grow and align to best support this particular body for the acceleration of our awakening and well-being. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
As we are faced with these turbulent times of the present Global crisis, it is important to be able to navigate and find our truth rather than to be persuaded by the voice of collective fear. For those that feel the deep calling to respond, it takes awareness, discipline, and right action to be able to utilize this time in a constructive way for our individual and collective spiritual growth and evolution. This series offers tools and practices that guide us to access our inner self and seize the Light. Through deep silence and other guided exercises we will work to connect with our intuition/inner voice to facilitate the spark of transformation and creativity, and midwife our highest self, in order to keep us connected with the grid of light, and thus in positivity and right perception for the benefit of all. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
We are entering the spring equinox at this auspicious time where the light and the dark are equal. Our focus for this class is on what it is we desire to birth rather than to reinforce the things that are dying. At this time, we have to be vigilant and take good care and attention in our life on all levels, in order to bare the fruits of what it is that we are wanting to cultivate. We were invited to really affirm our faith in the light. 1 class recording, one-hour long.