Rachel opens this evening by getting us into a state of receptivity and takes some time to discuss the channel and all that it entails. Nina interviews Rachel with the questions the community members submit ahead of time. This will be a new ongoing offering to our community, and we encourage those who are interested to join this opening channel to learn about the origin of these transmissions and to receive the current messages for this time. 1-hour long
As we approach the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, this marks a sacred point on the medicine wheel, and ancient wisdom explains that at this particular time the veil between worlds is the most thin and it provides us with the great opportunity to wake up and deepen our connection to our Ancestors and Eternal Life. During this auspicious time, we invite those who desire to utilize this built in portal and align with Higher Wisdom for the benefit of our healing and spiritual growth, to join Nina and Dr. Tudor on this one hour audio class and two hour live video ritual offering. We share teachings and provide tools to consecrate your personal ancestor shrine and create a daily maintenance ritual on how to connect to our Ancestors, as well as working to dis-energize old ancestral patterns that no longer serve our highest potential.3 class recordings, 1 hour each
As this marks an especially monumental moment on our planet, we announce our Winter Solstice tele-class series. Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light. It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Let's step into the dark and birth the light together in this 2 hour video ritual, where we will align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each
During these treacherous and profoundly transformational times that we are currently traversing on our planet, the veils of separation have thinned out. Consequently, as we are shifting to higher evolutionary dimensions, many of us are becoming more and more aware of our interconnection with other humans, and ultimately, with all of Creation. As such, we are astutely recognizing how our own detrimental thought forms, emotions and actions, as well as those of others, have been encroaching upon our field; affecting our thoughts, emotions, physical bodies, and actions in the world. This calls for an unyielding, focused, determined, and ongoing firm stance in our truest form by enhancing our personal spiritual hygiene practices, and most importantly, learning how to stand strong and centered within the innermost core of our Being. Over the past couple of years, many of Nina's colleagues and peers have asked her to offer teachings on this subject, and the timing of it did not feel right until now. As of most recently, there is a strong Divine impulse that is instructing, and even urging her, to bring this body of wisdom forth. This class is for those who are walking a true path with awareness, respect, humility and the utmost commitment, and who ultimately desire to walk in beauty with oneself and others, to co-create the restoration and spiritual advancement of all Creation. 1 class recording, 1.5 hours total
This Wisdom Teaching series began during the Fall Equinox accenting a very potent time on the Earth’s cycle to plant new seeds of intent. Through this process, many doors are opened with opportunity to explore oneself and get clear on what it is that we want to create. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. Many helpful tools are offered to support and foster a successful process of intentional transformation. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long. ** The price of this teleclass is lower because recording #4 is poor quality.
Filled with inspiration and life changing perspectives, this is an invitation into the depths of oneself in relationship to Love. Throughout this series, many opportunities are provided to gain awareness of the false concepts of love while consistently reinforcing simple and powerful ways to change our conditioned patterns and how to align with a greater knowing and connection to the source of Divine love and truth. Through compassion, gentleness, sound guidance and awareness, Nina walks you through a beautiful journey to uncover the Inner Beloved as well as how to truly love yourself. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.