The many projects we are working on are part of the legacies of ANEM; our heartfelt gift to the world today and in the future. Your donations will go to making the dream of these projects come to fruition. We are dedicated to the mission of this Movement and excited about these projects, as we know that there is a great need for what we are offering especially at this time on our planet. We only expect to have more projects as time goes by, and in the meantime, the ones currently underway are: -Anchoring the Sacred Legacies in written and auditory form -Acquiring land and the building of a temple and community house to host our on-going events and services, -Starting a scholarship fund for the continuing education of our apprentices and community members We thank you in advance for your prayers and financial contributions. Each individual is needed to make a difference in the world, as each one of us has a very unique way in which we can make an offering to the Divine. ANEM, Inc. is registered as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and donations over $250. are tax deductible. EIN #: 82-2240931You can also make a check payable to: ANEMMail to:A New Earth MovementP.O. Box 1177Ojai, CA 93024Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for together we create A New Earth Movement! To All Our Relations, and to the Children who are our Future.
During this time as the veil is thin, we are guided to utilize this opportunity for our personal transformation. This series is dedicated to our Ancestors where we are led into connection with, and and reverence for them. A variety of topics are threaded throughout that correlate to the connection with our spirit, with life, how to utilize death as an ally to embody love and how to connect with ourself and our loved ones in a healthy way. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
Connection to Ancestors & Spiritual Realms
Ingredients: Essence of Granite in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. During this earth cycle the veil is the thinnest, where there is a more direct access to our ancestors and the spiritual realms. We gathered rocks around the perimeter of our Ancestor’s ceremony for this specific essence, as rocks represent the ancient grandmothers and grandfathers, our ancestors. The intent infused in this essence is to invoke the knowing that there is no such thing as death, only eternal life. The Eternal Life Essence is intended to enhance a more direct communication with our Ancestors and the Spiritual realms. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
We find ourselves again at the beginning of our Earth Cycle calendar, the Fall Equinox, where we have an opportunity to begin anew. Here we start to navigate the map of our inner landscape, utilizing the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent, while also addressing the obstacles that hinder us along the way. During this class led by Nina, we start to till the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. A year-long journey begins now, and we invite you to take this first step with us, as together, we unlock the ancient mysteries within and all-around. 1 class recording, 1 hour
Clear Intent & Manifestation
Ingredients: Essence of Oak Tree acorns in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. Autumn Equinox marks the first key point of the Earth’s year cycle, a time of a new beginning. This is the time where we aim for clarity on what we want to nourish and what we want to let go of. This essence is made with the sacred Acorn, symbolizing the seed of intent for the upcoming New Year and the nourishment necessary to bring this intent into manifestation. Available in 1 and 2oz glass bottles. -
Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox, when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this series, we continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will be tilling the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds, and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. This will be a two-hour live video ritual to receive teachings, tools and to consecrate and align with the power of this cycle in order to manifest our pure potential. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in teaching this series. 3 class recordings, 1 hour each
Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this class, we will continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This class not only focuses on the power of intent, but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will be tilling the soil of our psyche, identifying and removing the “misleading” weeds and preparing the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. 1 class recording, 1 hours total
Along the annual perpetual cycles of Mother Earth comes the time of the Fall Equinox when we have the opportunity to begin anew. During this series, we continue to navigate the map of our inner self and utilize the power and synchronicity of this portal to create new and focused seeds of intent for the new year to come. This series not only focuses on the power of intent but also addresses the obstacles that hinder us along the way. We will till the soil of our psyche, identify and remove the “misleading” weeds and prepare the landscape of our soul in order to support and foster our internal fecundation into becoming our higher selves. Dr. Tudor joins Nina in teaching this series. 3 Class Recordings, 1-2 hours each