In tonight’s message from the Divine Mother, She brings attention to the escalation of the division of the world and the importance for us to tap into the medicine of the heart. We were brought on a journey to go underneath the despair from the illusion of our separation and to bring love to resuscitate the truth of who we are.
Winter Solstice is a very powerful time to pay homage to the darkness of life's mysteries in anticipation for the return of the light. It is in the stillness of the dark night where we have the opportunity to enter, to awaken and birth the light. As this sacred portal becomes accessible, there are divine opportunities and great lessons that await us. Step into the Dark and Birth the Light in this two class series where we align with this sacred Winter Solstice season for our becoming. Doctor Tudor joins Nina in this teaching series.3 class recordings, 1 hour each
Rachel leads us on a Shamanic drumming journey, where we will travel into the realms of non-ordinary reality to receive empowerment for this new year ahead. This shamanic journey also allows us the opportunity to connect with the upper celestial world to access guidance and healing for these times.1 class, 1-hour long.