The ‘Peak of the Fire’ is the time to celebrate the culmination of the light and the completion of this years cycle. During this tumultuous time on our planet, as the old system is crumbling, we learn how to create a powerful shield of light and rebuild our strength and inner power in order to step into these new times and own the Divinity that we truly are. Through this series, we work to align with the light and receive transmissions that are relevant to this present moment, in order to help us to navigate these sacred times and learn how to utilize the light for the good of all. Guided mediations and exercises are offered to elevate our consciousness and to intercede with light on the planet, both on a personal and collective level. 4 class recordings, each one-hour long.
A provocative class series that offers tools to help one navigate the inner makings of the mind that create unnecessary suffering and opposition to the truth. Threaded through this unraveling process and transition into awareness, the individual is guided to align with elevated thinking and action in order to unify for the common good of thyself and humanity. This series was recorded during the peak of the fire cycle of 2017 and inspired themed teachings related to the heightened light. 6 class recordings, each one-hour long.
Growth & Fortification
Ingredients: Essence of Bay Laurel buds in a base of purified water and brandy to preserve freshness. As the first shoots of spring push through the ground, this symbolizes the beginning of increasing light and growth. At this time, we pray to the collective spirit of life in order to help the growing process flourish in a positive direction. This essence is made with tiny buds of spring that carry life’s purest potential after the dark of winter. The intent is to invoke the power of increasing light, and to fortify the growing process. Available in 1 and 2 oz glass bottles. -
Rachel opens this evening by getting us into a state of receptivity and takes some time to discuss the channel and all that it entails. Nina interviews Rachel with the questions the community members submit ahead of time. This will be a new ongoing offering to our community, and we encourage those who are interested to join this opening channel to learn about the origin of these transmissions and to receive the current messages for this time. 1-hour long