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The Voices of ANEM

Our core members use this as a forum to express their voice as a living testimony of how this Movement has helped transform their lives. United in one voice, our intention is to inspire and elevate the consciousness of humanity in the direction of the mission of ANEM.

We Are In The Chrysalis

By |2020-04-14T13:22:51-07:00April 14th, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

Easter. The Day of the Resurrection. The Holy Day when Jesus was risen by God. I love honoring the Holy Days, of many faiths. . They represent a mythical journey of transformation, each year as we follow the stories and cycles through nature we have a chance to rebirth ourselves [...]

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Finding Balance in the World & Being in the Spirit

By |2020-04-04T10:29:03-07:00April 4th, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

One of the biggest challenges for me is finding a way to bridge my inner experience with my outer life. From a pretty early age I had the feeling to just go within and meditate my life away in some distant cave high above the ocean. I really focused on [...]

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Self Observation During Crisis

By |2020-04-02T08:11:22-07:00April 2nd, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

I resisted it at first, I’ll admit it.  The whole virus thing.  I have a deep seeded mistrust of the media and usually I pay no attention to it.  Usually when the media starts making a big deal about something, I assume that it is not what it seems, and [...]

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How I Find Internal Peace

By |2020-03-31T07:54:27-07:00March 31st, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

I tend to become extremely overwhelmed at apparently simple tasks. After recently diving into this overwhelm, and with the help of my teacher Nina, I realized that what is underneath this is efforting. I tend to do things in a masculine way, with the need to get everything done ‘right [...]

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An Opportunity to Shift Gears

By |2020-03-25T10:02:39-07:00March 25th, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

The only place I’ve gone outside of my home in the last week is out in nature, and even there I hear and see evidence of the virus with people talking with each other about how to be safe or what’s coming up for them. . What an interesting moment [...]

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How I Deal With These Crazy Times

By |2020-03-23T15:39:11-07:00March 23rd, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

Man, what a rollercoaster this month has been, right? Some people sick, some people sheltering in place, it’s so hard to not let the fear of it all get to me. This is the weirdest thing that’s happened in my entire life. I am working right now in the mental [...]

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Surrender; because there is no other choice

By |2020-03-23T08:11:22-07:00February 25th, 2020|The Voices of ANEM|

This year has been the hardest of my adult life, and at the same time the best. It is the year I said yes to life and in doing so, accepted much greater responsibility. I have known what I wanted to do with my life for many years and had [...]

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