Good Morning on this sacred Fall Equinox of 2020.
This morning marks a special moment where the center of our brilliant sun crosses over the celestial equator. For us here in the northern hemisphere, it marks the beginning of the Fall Equinox, where the days and nights are of equal length; where we have the opportunity to align with this great cycle and fortify the power of this auspicious moment right in the center of our being as well as externally for the collective; for as above so below.
These seasonal cycles of Mother Nature have been celebrated since the beginning of time by the Ancient Ones, where in their innate connection to all of creation, they sought to align and utilize these portals for the good of themselves, and their surroundings.  Those of us who remain rooted in these ancient practices, in connection to our Great Mother, recognize the importance of entering this new cycle with Awareness and Intent.  For this marks a time to till the inner soil of our consciousness, to clear the way for the new year that is ahead, to plant and fortify a seed of pure potential, to build a new dream into existence aligned with the coming cycles and emerge awakened on the other side.
There is great symbolism on the Fall Equinox where the days and nights are of equal length as the sun crosses precisely over the center of the earth’s celestial equator.  With awareness, we have the chance to seize this opportunity and be illuminated in this moment. As the central sun shines precisely above our inner universe, it can bring heightened awareness to the duality within, the dark and the light, the truth and the lies, the fear and the love.  And deeply within the center of this moment, as the sunlight of our spirit aligns with the central sun shining brightly, we are given the opportunity to converge these two forces of duality into one great streamline of consciousness where we enter into the domain of Love.  It is here in the center of our truest being where the end of duality consciousness is eradicated, where we are found and where inner harmony has the chance to arise in the frequency of the Truth of who we really are.
Today we have the opportunity to plant a new seed of consciousness; one of Love, of Harmony and of Peace.  This begins with ourselves and continues forth to all of creation. As we see so clearly, the division on our planet is escalating with the upcoming elections, the unrest, the uncertainty, the letting go of an old dream and not yet standing firm in the new.  So much has been crumbling before our eyes.  Many are trying so hard to hold onto something, fighting to keep the old and familiar alive and yet we know deep within that this is no longer working.  Meanwhile within our minds; many are conflicted, at war, resisting the truth and separating from our purest nature as well as from each other.
So I say to each and everyone of us, it is time for us to do our work, to seize this moment, to do our part, to find what is no longer working inside of ourselves and do what it takes to till the soil of our consciousness, to make room for fertile soil, where we can plant the seeds of Love and Life, affirming intents for ourselves and for each other.  We must no longer sit idle in our unconsciousness, for we have the power to create this new world and we must do our part.
It is time for us to utilize this moment, where Mother Nature accentuates this great opportunity within and all around. Let us not miss this sacred moment.  Today let us get quiet and still and go within to let the sun cross over the equator of our sacred existence and let harmony and freedom ring.
And during this brilliant and beautiful season, as the days begin to get darker, metaphorically and literally, let us hold strong to the truthful reigns of what we are planting, let us nourish and actualize the power of our intent for the betterment of ourselves and for all of creation.  Remember each one of us makes a difference and it is time for us to do our work to align in unity together and fortify the ushering in of this new world, to work to dispel the duality consciousness and fortify the seeds of truth that are based in Love.
In Love & Harmony,