Good morning relatives to this bright and brand new moment. Many of us are proclaiming the victory of stepping forward into a new year and sending good riddance to the now old 2020. It is with good reason and it would behoove us to take the time to evaluate what it is that we would like to see happen differently in this up and coming new year. Most of us know that the key to our happiness must begin within ourselves. Without connection to our truest selves and the light of God, we become lost in the wind of fear and confusion which perpetuates the greatest illusion ever to befall humanity, that we are separate from the very source that created us; God.
As we can all conclude, the external happenings of the world have created a great impact and catapulted significant change. It is in this great moment of transformation where we have the opportunity to pay good attention to how it is affecting us, how we are responding, and evaluate any fear based cognitive and behavioral reactions and actions.
In order to proceed with true wisdom, we need to step inward and listen intently. For our intuition is guiding us home to the truth, to the inner knowing of how we can find internal peace and successfully do our part to manifest the changes that are being asked of us. It is only through standing strong and firm in the center of our being-ness, where we are able to act and respond in sync with the higher calling of this great awakening and align with God’s will.
As we have most recently witnessed such extreme division, we cannot help but notice simultaneously, the yearning for connection and peace and rightful action. In the quietude of this sacred moment, within the portal of the Winter Solstice is where we can find the answers to our freedom, right within the center of our being. For we are stepping into a new age where we have the potential to birth a new world and it is knocking at our door. It is up to us to open this door, to greet it with courage and faith and do our part to take the necessary actions to fulfill this prophecy and co-create the New World. Let us do our part to usher in this new moment with utmost responsibility and grace and recreate our world with peace and love.
Happy New Year!
With all my love,