The spring time is slowly approaching, we can all feel it. The thawing out of the winter slumber has made way for new openings. If we listen closely we can feel the cracking open into a new time period. The birds are singing as the trees peak out in subtle forms of vibrancy, to show evidence of its impending bloom.  As we align with these natural cycles, we too are feeling the budding nature within, the inspirational life giving aspects that are desiring to take form and be birthed.  For during this winter we have gone in deep to explore our nature, our patterns, where much was illuminated and where we were given many opportunities along the way to face the darkness.
During this upcoming period of the rebirth of the light, we have great opportunity to take a look and see what aspects within our selves could use our attentive cooperation in order to excel and grow in the areas that we are desiring to bloom.  For this is an opportune time, the spring is the time period that elicits a great chance to cleanse, purify and create an action plan that facilitates and expedites the purification process in order to meet and align with our inner goals and desires.
There is a movement that is shaking inside, beckoning us to pay attention, to listen to the needs of our body, to modify the mental patterns that keep us enslaved in fear.  There is a nudging of our soul to expand and fan the flame of our spirits in order for them to rise up and be heard, felt, expressed and integrated as we grow into another state of consciousness.
This is an intimate journey that requires awareness, desire, commitment and action.  In order to succeed in this goal, it is necessary to explore our behaviors, desires and obstacles that prevent our success and pave way for a change in our everyday behaviors and habits to fulfill our goals.  It is up to us to do what it takes to apply all of what we know to support our wellness, our transformational journey and to expand into a greater state of being-ness to become a true ally to ourselves.
With all of my love,