We are alive at a most powerful time on our planet, and many are recognizing this. If we look back in history, we can see that cycles of immense change are inevitable, and that we are currently living out one of those pivotal and revealing transformational timelines. All of the layers of falseness are being uprooted, and meanwhile, we are holding on for dear life as the changes are occurring. As the fear arises, it evokes a surge of blame and people are taking sides that reinforce division. There is also an increase in the ways that fear is being provoked through misinformation and scare tactics in order to keep people from speaking up and/or to attempt to prevent the people taking the necessary actions that will align us with what is most true. 

Our current society is built upon a man-made false structure that strives to keep us feeling comfortable under control, and projects the idea that we are safe under this rule. And yet we know that nothing sustainable is built on unsteady ground. Quickly we are seeing how the structures are breaking and as I said, many are holding on for dear life in the process. Those that are working with greed and hungry for power will do anything to keep the false pretenses alive, as they work to keep the people hypnotized under a fearful spell state of illusion and unconsciousness. The plaguing of the dark shadow that is being casted out of desperation to keep us small in our forgetfulness is at its peak, and is more reason as to why we need to work hard to align with what is true, to stay centered in the truth of our being in order to have access to the light rather than to be dominated by the overshadowing blanket of the attempted demise of humanity.

But those who are waking up know better. We feel the rumbling and the shaking.  The world as we know it is dying. This is reflecting to us the innermost intimate journey of letting go of the false shields of pretending, and seize the opportunity to rise up to our truest nature. It is rather interesting to see that this change is opening up a big influx of light, while the desperate control tries to keep the matrix of disillusionment portrayed. This is all the more reason as to why we have to stand strong in our practice and recognize what is in fact happening. This takes courage and awareness. Vigilance is required to not be persuaded into taking sides and reinforcing duality consciousness, nor being dampened under the cloak of dismal thought forms. Rather, we must strengthen our understanding of who we are and reinforce our foundation of faith in the Divine Love that resides beyond all form.  We are that love, and we must remember how to embody and act in alignment accordingly in order to unify and usher in the birthing of the higher realms of frequencies that are available to us at this time. We must remember that in the darkest moment is where we can birth the light.