Beneath the noise and constant chatter lies a still pool, and a deep cave into the realms of our truest existence, where truth resides. Where in the depths of these deep waters, if we are brave enough to enter, we shall discover the answers to our hearts deepest questions.  We have spent a lifetime mastering the external world where instant gratification is the theme, where seeking to find more knowledge and information is encouraged in the world that we live in, only to find that we are never truly fulfilled here.  We are empty in the endless quest to have to acquire more knowledge in order to feel some sense of fulfillment. For here we live as if we can never have or be enough; constantly striving and competing to know and to seek more yet to never truly find.  If we only knew that inside, in this deep pool of watery realms within our sacred existence, lie the answers to all of our deepest questions, our desperate search would end.  For we would arrive at a state of resolution, of peace and of oneness with all of Creation, where there is no more need to search for the answers because we are found, we are home, we are one in the depth of our own being; in our divinity.